Chapter 177 : The Gathering Place!!!

Seo : Fuck...

Seo : I had 100.000 Points minus the 40.000 for the pills and at the same time minus the 750.000 for the time changes.....

Seo : I'm 690.000 Points in debt??

{Host is Correct.}

Seo : Damn, will this impact me negatively in any way??

{Host won't be able to buy any items from the shop that's all. Furthermore, Host still has a few cores and two boxes you can use. Then If Host is lucky you can spam the Quest Of Fusing Abilities and Magic trying to reduce a bit the debt.}

Seo : Or i would have to complete more quests...

Seo : Sigh...

Seo : For now tell me my 4 new abilities...

{Undying Killing Intent - SSS

Description : A special kind of intent that will always hurt the intended target until their lives crumble away. It can affect those who have equal or lower Level than the user of this target. Depending on the level difference there is a chance of Insta Kill. This works on all races and even work on the sealed Gods. It can be used in conjure with other attacks creating different effects. Warning If A God releases their Divinity this ability won't affect them.

Calm Sea Soul - SSS

Description : A calming reflective sea born from unwavering emotions to protect others. It helps the user to always think clear without a ripple of emotions in the user's face and voice.

Bloodshot Eyes - SS

Description : Eyes that were created since ancient times of Mortals, capable to instil fear towards in those that look into them. It can instil fear in all kind of races. Depending on the level of the targets there is a high chance of paralysis.

Soul Sense - S

Description : Unique ability caused by many elements in it. Constant destruction and mending of the soul have caused the said user to awaken a unique way to see the world. The user of this ability is able to peak at what the eyes can't see.}

Seo : Oh?? That's why i got bits and bits about Ottar abilities??

Seo : When i had saved the others, especially Tsubaki who was on the floor, i peeked in Ottar's back as i felt something was there...

Seo : Then during the fight following that i appeared again and again behind him and finally confirm it when he regenerated his arm...

{Host is correct. Through host will feel something lies there unless something triggers it, you won't be able to see the exact info...}

Seo : I thought it was weird for the info to pop up in my head and so i started making up a few other versions as i said what his ability did...

Seo : Anyway i've been walking for at least three hours now and have managed to reach the 7th floor closely to 6th...

Seo : I guess in one or two hours i will be out...

Talking more and more about these 4 new abilities, Seo was waking with a head been held in his one hand and his customised weapon in another...

Finally, after the time passed he reached the entrance and as he was about to ask his system where the meeting of the Gods takes place he felt behind him a familiar aura...

??? : Fufufufu... The boy from the far shore has become stronger...

Seo : Black..... Sorry, its Shirohime now...

Shirohime : I'm impressed you forgot about me...

Seo : I'm not in my best moods to remember others...

Shirohime : I know... I only appeared to tell you where the gods have gathered...

Seo : And what do you gain from this??

Shirohime : Me?? Obviously to see their expressions...

Shirohime : In Babel, the first twenty floors are filled with Familia business, facilities, and money exchanges. Above that are living areas of the most prominent Gods in Orario, known as the Private Rooms.

Shirohime : They are from the twenty-one up to fifty, however above that on Fifty-One there is a large hall that usually the everyone gathers...

Shirohime : What lies there is unknown and that was the most i could find....