Chapter 182 : The End Of Freya!!!

Just as Hestia and Hephaestus started to worry about him, Shirohime couldn't help but chuckle while Ouranos sighed along with a few individuals...

One of them was a Goddess that had green eyes and long blue hair with two long bangs, two strands on the sides, and a partly braided tail in the back.

She wore a white and pale blue outfit, long brown boots with a light brown design, a belt which she kept a piece of white cloth and a dagger in, gold bracelets, and various gold hair accessories.

They watched as the glow in her body suddenly dispersed and blood flowed from her lips as she had a shocked expression on her face...

Not just her many more had a disbelief expression but many had long ago realised the outcome...

Freya : Why!!! Why!!!

Freya : Why i can't use my Arcanum...

Crack!!! Crack!!! Crack!!! Crack!!!

More cracks appeared in her body falling rapidly like pieces of glass on the ground as she was asking Seo and looking at him...

Seo : I thought i told you already...

Seo : This is the world of mortals... Where gods and goddesses are not welcome by the world...

Crack!!! Crack!!! Crack!!! Crack!!!

Freya's legs vanished like a shattered glass while her upper body was floating as he was holding her from his neck...

Seo : Try and use your powers here, and the world will send this small part of your soul back to the heavens where you will wait countless years to descend again...

Seo : Furthermore my previous attack has damaged this wisp of your measly soul, therefore, you can't invoke your powers...

Seo : And even if you did, i have my means to escape as I tampered with Time!!

Everyone on the room including Chronoa and Chronos opened their eye at his claiming there was however one person that chuckled making everyone look at her...

Shirohime : Fufufufu, things are getting interesting!!!

Seo : Finally, before you go i will tell you something... My attack earlier had traces of an undying will...

Seo : Meaning... That it will follow you back and as i become stronger and stronger it will slowly destroy you from inside out...

Putting up a cruel smile on his face while his eyes were completely black with tings of red branches in them he looked at her and spoke before sending one more Mental attack at what remained of her...

Seo : Now, i want to see how long can you last before a new Goddess of Beauty and Sex emerges...

Just as he heard his words the rest of her body that only consisted of her waist, neck and her head shattered becoming particles as it followed by every drop of blood she had spat on the room...

Everyone watched as the First Human emerged and killed a Divine Being... However, all of this made them realise he didn't go all out...

Exactly how strong is this human in front of them...???

Just as everyone thought everything was over Seo turned around and without even looking at any of them his weapon changed from a Lance to a sword...

It was then that they saw a splurt of blood coming out from someone and when they look they saw Loki missing her right hand...

Loki : Ughghhh!!!!

Ouranos : What are you doing!!!

Ouranos : Are you trying to enter.......

Loki : It's fine... Hufff..... Huff....

Ouranos : Loki you...

Seo : You yourself know better why you got it off this easy... There is only one reason and that is me having a few ups with your familia...

Loki : Ugh...

Seo : Use that again in your scheming and your fate will be the same as Freya...

Loki : I guess... I kinda deserve that...

Seo : At least you are honest about it...

Everyone popped their eyes at their words and thought what the hell is going on, exactly how many Gods tried to offend this monster in front of them...??