Chapter 217 : Hermes' Dream!!

Asfi : Things aren't looking good at all...

Asfi : The Erosion in the forest has expanded tremendously and the monsters keep spawning...

Asfi : The villages in the are have log been destroyed with nothing remaining...

Hermes : Have you attacked the ruins?

Asfi : We couldn't...

Ryuu : A barrier like portal blocks our way inside...

Hermes : I see...

Seo : That door can only be opened by Artemis if i'm not wrong about it...

Artemis : Correct...

Seo : We will take a rest and tomorrow we will assign roles on how we will move about it and charge inside...

Seeing everyone nodding to his words he then sighed before looking at Ryuu and the latter looked at him...

However, she never expected him to go and hug her in front of so many people, even more so kissed her in front of the others shocking many...

Seo : Missed me??

Ryuu : You didn't come and see me earlier is that how you treat your wives??

Although she sounded calm, inside her Ryuu was embarrassed from how bold he was and this earned a chuckle from him along with an apologizing expression...

Seo : Well, as you might have heard i was busy with a few things...

Seo : However i did try to find you in order to invite you on this beautiful trip...

Shakti : You mean death trip right??

Seo was at loss for words when Shakti interject him with her words however he immediately countered leaving everyone speechless on their ground...

Seo : Ai, that would mean that only death would be able to separate us...

Ryuu, Aki and Artemis blushed a bit as this was an almost official proposal for marriage to them while Shakti gawked at his words...

Hermes : Well, let's go now and rest...

Seo : Yea and a bath would be nice...

As his words left his mouth all the people there twitched for different reasons and soon they kept their reason inside their minds as they agreed to his words...

Leaving and getting guided through the darkness, after a few minutes they arrived into a settlement the Hermes Familia had created and stayed there as they prepared for the upcoming battle...

It was a spot near the ruins where it hadn't rotten surprisingly enough causing many questions to rise inside the mind of Seo...

It was like as if this place was kept as bait for them from Antares...

Seo : If this is the case then it will be worth taming such a creature...

Mumbling in a low voice which surprisingly enough only Ryuu and Aki heard him they both turn with disbeliefs expressions looking at him...

Realising he spoke a bit loudly for them to pick it up he wryly smiled inside his mind...

After eating and everything was done all the girls left for the river spot that had clean water for them to wash their fatigues away...

As Seo was going back to the camp and tried to think about a few things suddenly a shout was heard...

Hermes : Its time for our expedition!!!

Hermes : Hear me!! All of You!!!

Hermes : Today we will become LEGENDS!!!

Hermes : A little further down!!! There is a paradise for all men!!!

Hermes : A paradise where young girls are bathing under the MOON!!!

Hermes : Asfi, Aki, Ryuu, Shakti and the rest are bathing naked!!!

Hermes : Even Artemis one of the three Goddess who has still kept their chastity up to this day...

Hermes : A Goddess that none has managed to glimpse her naked body, not even a God!!!

Hermes : My dream shattered once in the past!!! And now with someone courting her, it is my last chance to fulfil it!!!

Hermes : Are we going to stay here and not ACT??

All Guys!!! : Nooo!!!!!

Hermes : Good, we are going to succeed because this time i have my fellows dreamers like me!!!

Hermes : I will not give up!!! We will not give up!!!

All Guys!!! : WOOOooo!!!!!

Hermes : Onwards!!!