Chapter 226 : Still Alive!!!

{X4 Quest Completed : Fuse 2 Or More Similar In Nature Abilities or Magic or Both!!! Rewards 10.000 Points (repeatable)}

{Host Has Paid Off Some Of His Debt!!! Remaining 640.000 Points!!!}

After he checked all his new Additions he was bombarded with notifications saying he paid a tad bit of his debt towards the system...

But Seo didn't know if with these Abilities he should owe more to the system...

{Revive - B

Description : Able to heal the bond between the Soul and the Body of the said individual but unable to restore his own experience... The targets of this said Ability are able to come back to life only if the Souls of their targets are still next to their bodies losing in the process all of their Levels.}

{Severer Of Fate - SSS

Description : A power given to those who have gone above the laws, fought and earned this ability with their own blood and tears. It can be used for anything related to visions, timelines, and fates of all races... In short, this grants you the power to perform a miracle by cutting the threads of Fate.}

{Teacher - I (Upgradable)

Description : People who have gained enough knowledge to be able to pass Abilities and Magic down their own students... Anything the teacher knows is everything the student will learn.

Note : To Upgrade You Need More Professions.}

Seductive Fingers - I

Description : Fingers capable of releasing upon touch deadly poison through skin contact, to allure others, sway others, confuse others and obviously to arouse them.}

Asfi : Is something wrong??

Artemis : Seo??

Ryou : What's wrong??

Seo : I have a way to bring them back to life but there are too many complications in it...

When everyone heard his words the first one to jump and held his hands with expectation was Artemis, she was willing to do anything to help her poor children...

Seo : I know, i said i'll help and i will do it...

Hermes : What are the complication??

Seo : First of all, their souls need to be within the vicinity of their bodies...

Seo : Second of all, if they are and i successfully bring them back... They will lose all their hard work of Levelling up to their current state...

Artemis : Levels are something that can be gained as long as they are alright...

Seo : Third of all, i have no idea how their minds will fare after being killed... Brutally at that...

Seo : But that can be fixed as long as everyone is together with no loss at all...

Asfi : Wait, you said no loss??

Asfi : Then assuming it works how will they take the fact that Artemis got devoured??

Hermes : Seo, you are playing with territories belonging to the Gods and natural Order of the world...

Seo : No, i'm not...

Seo : In fact, they haven't died yet...

Artemis : What??

Asfi : What do you mean??

Seo : How many days have passed since they got killed??

When Seo asked this particular question the first to open the eyes and mouth wide open was surprisingly Hermes...

After him it was Artemis, then Ryuu and last was Asfi...

Their bodies have stayed so many days here and haven't rotted at all, they are perfectly fresh and their wounds have solidified not letting the blood flow out...

When they realised this, they finally figured that Its because they have entered in a time stasis...

Seo : As you have guessed, the barrier is locking Antares even while it had absorbed a goddess Soul and power meaning their souls must be around here...

Seo : Which is also the reason they haven't rot yet, If they had dispersed then their bodies would have rotted and smell badly from the decompositions...

Even Seo couldn't believe it but if that wasn't the case, why would the system give him a Quest, with the condition to revive her familia??