Chapter 262 : Overall Updates!!

{Shiva - Age : Null - Level 4 > 5

Seo's First Subordinate

STR - 460 E > 999 S > 0 I

DEF - 210 G > 999 S > 0 I

AGIL - 458 E > 999 S > 0 I

DEX - 459 E > 999 S > 0 I

WPN - 241 G > 999 S > 0 I

MAG - 361 F > 999 S > 0 I

Abilities :

Words Meaning - SS

Description : Those with the aura of someone powerful are able to convey their meaning through words no matter what race they belong to. Being bound to someone like that they are able to realise their meaning and follow it through.

Roar - SS

Description : A devastating Roar that comes with the pride of their species able to inflict fear on those of Level 1.

Perfect Tune - S+

Description : A perfect control over the blood, muscles and bones in one's body able to reach his maximized potential in every stats... (S-Rank All 999 - SS-Rank All 1999 - SSS-Rank All 2999)

Swordman - -I > B

Description : A Dedication to follow the path of the sword towards the apex of the world itself. Grands 10% Power when equipped with a sword.

Magic :

Illusionary Figure - B

Description : A perfect way to trick your opponents by making them mistake the distance of you and himself or herself by focusing on either your eyes or your own body.}





{Anta - Age : Null - Level 3 > 4

Seo's Second Subordinate

STR - 600 C > 999 S > 0 I

DEF - 600 C > 999 S > 0 I

AGIL - 700 B > 999 S > 0 I

DEX - 700 B > 999 S > 0 I

WPN - 0 I > 999 S > 0 I

MAG - 2999 SSS > 3999 EX > 0 I

Abilities :

Roar - S

Description : A devastating Roar that comes with the pride of their species able to inflict fear on those of Level 1.

Words Meaning - SS

Description : Those with the aura of someone powerful are able to convey their meaning through words no matter what race they belong to. Being bound to someone like that they are able to realise their meaning and follow it through.

Magic :

Devour - SSS

Description : ??????

Imitation - ???

Description : ??????}





Seo popped his eyes when he saw that Anta actually got a new rank above SSS while the most surprising this was the fact that his system rang showing him records of a Hidden Quest...

{Hidden Quest Completed : Congratulations On Finding The Peak Of The World!!! Rewards : 200.000 Dungeon Points}

{Host Has Paid Off Some Of His Debt!!! Remaining 100.000 Points!!!}

He was quite glad, to be honest as he now has a measly of 100.000 Points in debt but then again devastated as he needs a long time to Charge up to those numbers...

Even with his second Board...

At that moment Hestia came with the stats on the others printed in a few pieces of paper...

He was surprised that Haruhime has so much Excelia that she instantly Level up to Level 4 and then filled all the way to 999 S with one or two parameters surpassing that and Level up once more reaching Level 5...

However, from what he had learned from them, it was expected as they fought monsters on an outbreak along with the special Goliath...

{Sanjouno Haruhime - Age 16 - Level 3>4>5

Hestia Goddess Family

STR - 900 S > 0 I > 0 I

DEF - 900 S > 0 I > 0 I

AGIL - 1092 SS > 0 I > 0 I

DEX - 999 S > 0 I > 0 I

WPN - 900 S > 0 I > 0 I

MAG - 1099 SS > 0 I > 0 I

Abilities :

Dance Of The Priestess - SS

Magic Enhancer - SS

Magic :

Uchide no Kozuchi - SS

Kokonoe - SS}

He then took the papers showing Bell's, Lily's, Welf's and Aisha's boards and smiled in satisfaction as now there is a Level 9 - 3x Level 5 - 2x Level 4 - 1x Level 3 -1x Level 2 in the family...