Chapter 282 : Going To The 65Th Floor!!!

After finishing everything, Seo and the rest were ready to go to the surface and you could tell based on their expressions...

They couldn't wait to see how the sun and clouds looked like...

Seo : Finn, are we going now to the lower floors??

Finn : Yes, we need to cover this up with our mission...

Finn : As for them we can make it pass, that they belonged to a family and messed up which we saved...

Finn : I'm sure the Guild can cover this as that mission came from there...

Seo nodded and everyone proceeded to move towards the deeper floors with relative ease...

As they now had a few shit tons, strong people, in their Human form it was a breeze to them to reach the 50th quite easily...

Asterious and Gryuu tanked forward while the others followed, Seo even one-shot a few monsters with his flames and thunder...

Ais on the other hand was talking to Aria while keeping her guard up nervously and couldn't help but crack a few smiles as Aria teased her...

Finally, Shirohime followed behind her...

The 50th Floor is another safety point where no monsters are born, however, just like the 18th Floor, monsters can come to the floor from above or below.

Gray coloured trees cover the floor up until the end of the floor. Vein like rivers run endlessly through the trees.

After resting here for a few hours and while many kept guard in case various elements surprised them, they prepared to once again charge...

As they arrived on the 51st Floor, The walls, ground, and ceiling are flat and the structure makes it seem that it was carefully measured. Many corners and crossroads exist across the floors.

This continues until the 57th Floor...

Along the way, they met a few Black Rhinos, a rhinoceros monster that walks on two legs

A Deformis Spider is a large spider monster that is red and purple. It has eight legs and multiple eyes

Cadmus a strong dragon monster that is the strongest monster on the 51st Floor. Aside from Monster Rexes, it is one of the strongest monsters

Ans Virga a green caterpillar-like monster that can shoot dissolving liquid. Virga has a different coloured magic stone than normal monsters. It explodes upon death...

Following that they met Scorpions, Snakes and Worms...

However when they entered the 56th Floor and until the 58th they started meeting Wyverns and Dragons which Seo didn't shy away from as those were his Exp for his second Board...

The 58th Floor is one vast room. The walls, ground, and ceiling are made of graphite and resemble a huge rectangular room.

When they reached the 59th floor those from Loki Familia became tense especially so Ais as she clearly remembers those Spirit type monsters that kept calling her mother's name...

According to the Zeus Familia, the 59th floor and onward was known as the Glacier Territory, with glacial lake streams, fierce cold, and ice covering the area.

However, the terrain was modified when the new monsters took over, making it into a jungle-like area.

Past the jungle area was a large area that was covered with the ashes of countless dead monsters, making the whole area a grey colour.

However, the jungle was destroyed during Loki Familia's fight against the Demi Spirit.

Finn turned around and asked Shirohime as this was bugging his nerves and if he couldn't get answered he wouldn't calm down...

Shirohime : You are right, when I first awakened and came here this place was Glacier...

Shirohime : However the dungeon reacts unpredictable and always changes its terrain for better or worse...