Chapter 294 : Hestia.Exe!!

Seo : Whoa, my ears!!!

Hestia : What do you mean my ears?? What about my heart?? My Heart!!!

Hestia : You gave me a heart attack!!

Hestia : What was that the everything in the world trembled as if an apocalypse was coming!!!

Seo looked confusedly at Hestia as if telling her 'what do you mean' and Hestia wanted to strangle him with her two hands...

Hestia : What is wrong with your expression as if you are clueless!! You mean you didn't realise what happened??

Seo thought over to what Hestia said and the only thing he could think of was that his ascension caused some major world-shaking event that notified all Gods and Goddesses...

Seo : You mean to say me ascending to Godhood was noticed by the whole world??

Hestia : Yes, yes... It was.... Eeehh!!!!

Hestia agreed that what he did was felt by the whole world but then her mini HestiaBrain.Exe froze as she dumbly looked at Seo before she screamed as she realised what he said and why this happened...

Hestia : YOU WHAT!!!

Seo : I said I ascended to God Hood...

Seo when you updated my Board to Level 9 peak later on I tried to fuse some of my skills as you went away and as I did that I triggered my ascension...

Hestia : AS IF IT WAS SO EASY!!!

Seo : It was for me!!

Seo : The moment I succeeded, the Falna around the world deemed my abilities worlthy and ascended me to God Hood which, to be honest as we had talked before L10-11-12 is Low-Mid-High Gods...

Hestia : I know that, you had said that last time when Hephaestus took that Ruby...

Hestia : And you had also explained why mostly no one breaks away from Level 6 as they waste their talents by Levelling up without maxing their board...

Hestia couldn't win in an argument with him so she took a few deep breaths and after finally registering that Seo was now a God she asked something...

Hestia : Then which God are you?? And what about my family crest...

Seo : I barely reached Level 11 and now my stats need 9.999 of each one to reach Level 12...

Seo : Your Board is gone and mine was created based on the boards I granted of the Xenos...

Seo : So now my family is made up of Xenos...

Hestia sulked when she heard that but then was stunned when she realised that Seo has 45 members in his family...

But his next words completely drive her crazy...

Seo : Oh right they also Levelled up when I broke through...

She almost pulled her hair tails from her head as she gnashed her teeth...

This meant he has 2xLevel 8 - 4xLevel 7 - 28xLevel 6 - 11xLevel 5 in his family which automatically would make him the strongest Family in Orario...

As he thought of families something clicked in Hestia's mind and was further shocked as she screamed drawing the attention of Seo once again...

Hestia : Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!! You!!! You!!

Hestia : You are a god?? Then what are you doing in this world??

Seo : What do you mean??

Hestia : All Gods and Goddesses when born are staying in the Heavens!!!

Hestia : Then you know the drill they use an Avatar losing all their powers to come to the mortal world...

Seo : As you said all those born in heaven are staying there...

Seo : I was a mortal and born here... So your logic doesn't count...

Not to mention he actually occupied this dead body upon his reincarnation here... However there was no reason to say this to Hestia...

But seeing how much she flipped today, Seo was tempted to say it...

And thank got he doesn't have tables in this room otherwise he imagines she would have flipped them as well...