Vast Universe II: Continent Valhalla.

Hello my people!

Here the Continent Valhalla. Much of this continent I have already written in the normal chapter, just at the end before the summary there is some interesting information about the other species.

He failed to describe many other things, such as geography, what kind of technology, which are the best professions, the names of the planets ...

It may be added in the future, or not, it will depend on history. I'll just put in whatever it takes. I am going to owe the Original Continent, which I am not ready to show yet and the species of the world.

What will surely be placed as an auxiliary chapter, the name of all the characters so far that I have already created (even those that have not yet appeared), the name of powerful families and the ten sacred beasts.

Read the author's final warning, you will be surprised!

Good reading.



The second continent lies in the far northern part of the west, and is called Continent Valhalla, which is the continent where men and women are born with blond or red hair, with pale skin and light eyes, as beautiful as the gods. If it were compared to the Earth, that continent would be dominated by Vikings. It is a beautiful continent and full of interesting contrasts, there is an area covered with eternal ice, a volcanic area that every few years comes into activity, there is an area only summer and another only of flowers. In this continent there are ten countries, each composed of parliamentarians and presidents. Yes the Continent Valhalla is one of the most politically and socially evolved.

They cultivate what are called powers of the gods, each country has a protector god and other minor gods who aid in the government and the cultivation of this inhabitants of Valhalla. Religion is divided into three categories, for the gods, for nature, and for the Celestial Tao.

It is important to emphasize these three religions, for wizards, warriors and alchemists vary according to each one of them, for the gods like Loki, Odin, Freya ... the mages are called Priests, each one can represent the power of these gods, Loki to fire, Odin for the waters, Freya for seduction (which leads to potions of love, heavenly dances that confuse enemies ...) and so on, since the warriors are called the Celestial Warriors, who as well as the magicians have the powers of the deities, but also their physical power.

Those who worship nature and consequently the gods of it, are called Wiccanos, or wizards and witches, they are specialists in herbs and cultivation of rare plants, their magical powers are based on nature, Hecate is the goddess of natural fire and greatest of all natural goddesses. The most common powers among them are that of earth, fertility, plants and water. They are also powerful pharmacists, Wiccan warriors are more strategists than fighters, yet they should not be underestimated! They inside your fortress can create labyrinths full of thorns and traps for your enemies!

Already the third religion is the Celestial Tao, which is similar to the cult of nature, but is a little deeper and more rational, since it is the practice of the Law of action and reaction, those who practice the Celestial Tao believe that every action goes If it is not today, it could be tomorrow or it could be a hundred years from now. The foundation of the Celestial Tao is the Law of Action and Reaction, which encompasses other laws of the world, such as the cycle of life and death, the cycle of seasons, the laws of order and chaos, and the laws of creation and destruction. The mages and warriors who follow the Celestial Tao are called the Chosen (magicians) and the Envoys (warriors).

The Chosen have above average intelligence, mastering mathematics and geometry with proficiency, creating something like the study of chemistry and ancient physics, their spells are structured in mathematical calculations, and their training matrices are grounded in geometry and geography. The Envoys are the law warriors, who are divided into Clans, as Clan of Death, Clan of the Order, Clan of Destruction, Clan of Life .... Their warriors are trained in these laws, the Chosen of these clans are also well versed in these laws, for example, the Clan of Life the Chosen are better doctors than the other clans and even their alchemy is one of the best on the continent, they only lose for the Wiccans in pharmacology, the Envoys are unbeatable on the battlefield because their wounds heal at a shocking speed!

The Wizards and Warriors of the gods have shocking power, Wiccans are softer but have mastery of plantations and pharmacology and the Clans of the Celestial Tao have the strongest wisdom.

Continent Valhalla is the second strongest of the five continents, its mother tongue is English and its writing is archaic English, but its magic writing is the runes.

The dominant species in Valhalla are: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Magical Beasts and Devil. The Angelic and plants also exist are more rare compared to the others already presented.

Humans are not the dominant race, but they are the elves. Humans are the second dominant species. Third is the dwarves, fourth the Magical Beasts and fifth the Devils. The Elves' representative is the Black Forest Elves, the human representatives are the Chosen and Sent of the Celestial Tao, the dwarven representatives are the Black Dwarves, the representative of the Magical Beasts is the Red Dragon and the Devil is the Great Emperor Devil. These represent the epitome of each race.

The inhabitants of Valhalla arrive for more than three billion, the focus of Valhalla now is to expand their territories into space.


1.Name: Continent Valhalla

2. Age: 2 million years

3.Extension per Km²: 17 075 400 km².

4.Habitants in the General: 3.5 billion.

5.Kings / Countries: 10 countries.

6.Species: 7 (Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Magical Beasts, Devils, Angelics and Divine Plants).

7. Language: Ancient English / Magic Writing: Runes and Symbols.

8.States / Academies: 20.

9. Normal cultivators: 2 billion.

10. Immortal creators: 500 million.

11. Divine Growers: 100 million

12. Gods: 30.

13. Martial Dao Techniques Lower Level: 1 million.

14. Martial Dao Techniques Medium Level: 2 million.

15. Martial Dao Technique Higher level: 500 mil

16. Martial Dao Technique Legendary Level: 2,000

17. Martial Dao Technique Transcendental Level: 10

18. Technology Level: Futuristic

19. Magic Level: Specialist

20. Professions: 40

21. Sub-professions: 80

22. Number of People of the Original Continent: 200.

23. System of Government: Parliamentary Democracy.

24. Religion: Viking, Nature and Tao Celestial.

25. Planets: 2 main and 2 minors.

26. Tournament of Chaos and Order: 20.

27. Ranking: 1st place - 2; 2nd Place - 5; 3rd Place - 7; 4th Place - 8 ....