wife doting husband

Bella joins Jun to his company. She follows Jun to his office on level 75. Everyone bow to him while questioning the mark on his lips. In the offices, Jun sits on his chair and open his laptop to check the email. He got the stack of the folder to check. Bella comes to tease Jun, she comes and hugs him from behind. "Jun, I am bored. Can I help you?" She gives him her puppy eyes. Jun got a headache straight away when Bella gives her pity face to Jun. If Jun is not corporate with her, she will start to cry her eyes out. "What do you want to help me with my love?" he took her to sit on his lap. "I took you here, so you can see that I don't have any mistress in here." He tries to give her an explanation. Bella can see the bite mark on Jun's neck when she put her head on his neck. "Can I work somewhere else then?" she asks Jun nicely. Jun remember the incident when she outside without him, Bella is hugging another man. Jun call Ben to come to meet him in the office. Ben knock and after got permission from Jun, He comes inside his boss offices. Ben can see that Bella sits on Jun laps and Jun is holding her tight while Jun read some of the reports. "Yes, Boss." He stands with his notepad ready. "Find vacancies in our company for Bella. Nothing too hard and to complicates for her to learn." Jun instruct Ben. Ben only can nod to Jun impossible task. Everyone knows in this country if shin corporation is accepting employee means that either their family spent a lot of money or qualifies for good universities and good ability. They have to work for devil Jun, means that they have to work extra hard and difficult job to satisfies him. Ben goes back to his offices with really bad headaches. Jun shares his burden to his personal assistant now. Ben search the department for the best vacancies for his lady boss.

Ben hurries to go back to Jun offices to gives all the possible work for Bella. First option is Deputy CEO Secretary. Second option is handling promotion work for Shin Group. The third option will be administration under general department and the last one is the canteen helper. Bella wants to work as a canteen helper, as it suits her better. "Appoint her to work on admin for the general department" Jun is instructing Ben to arrange it. "Ben, can you use my family name and not use Jun family name. I don't want my work life to become too easy." Bella request to Ben on sweet tone. Jun amaze on the way Bella negotiate her way to get her job. Ben leaves the offices to arrange Bella paperwork with HR. everyone knows that Bella got the job from Mr. Ben Si. His authorization is the same as Jun itself. Bella plays with her phone to answer Xiao Yu question and Ah Shin. She waits patiently in the office with Jun. She loves the view of Jun working. Jun stops working around 5 pm. Bella is almost fell to sleep in the lounge room. She is feeling to eat the Grandma Mu food, where Ah Shin works. She asks Jun if he would like to join her. He agrees to follow his beloved wife.

Bella asks the driver to go the Pingu district to Grandma Mu restaurant. The driver knows the restaurant since it is so famous for cheap and delicious dishes. Jun look around to see the small restaurant, Ben look so happy, as this is one of his favorite restaurant to go. Ben knows all the employee here. Jun look at Ben happy attitude, then give try to join Bella inside. Ah Shin greets Bella and prepare a table especially for her. Jun comes to follow her, and give murderous look to Ah Shin. But his perfect look made all the girl in the restaurant is looking at superstar out from the magazine. Jun feels annoyed with Ah Shin and Ben attitude. Bella orders her favorite food from here, homemade pulled noodle with the spicy braised tendon. Bella gives Jun the menu and asks him to order something. "Ben come and join us in this table. Jun darling, can Ben sit down and join us." Bella sulking to Jun. He doesn't have any energy to refuse his wife. Jun become a wife doting husband, which can't refuse his wife orders. Jun makes all the efforts to make Bella happy. Jun gives the sign for ben to join their table. Ben order his favorite meal, spicy beef stew with steam rice with green vegetable. Jun order Nanking chicken with fried rice. Ah Shin cooks special dishes for Bella. There are 3 dishes, and Bella becomes so happy. Ah Shin remembers all her favorite dishes during their high school. He cooks braised beef tripe with pickled radish, steam fishes with ginger and homemade sauce, and chicken with dry chili ah shin special sauces. Ah Shin makes special tonic soup for Bella only. Jun's eyes glare with anger. Bella doesn't realize about Ah shin special treatment. Because Ah Shin treats Bella special since in high school. Ah Shin makes sure Bella eat all the dishes and accompany her through meal times. Jun even lost his appetite to eat. Ben is eating happily, but he has to stop because he can feel unhappy Jun now. Ben wants to cry by the silent torture of his boss. Ah Shin doesn't realize there are dangerous hunting eyes watching his prey. Ben stand up and settle the bill and fetch the chauffeur before bloodshed happens in the restaurant. Bella doesn't understand when Jun drag her so quickly from the restaurant. Jun swear to himself not to come to this place again before he closes this place down with his hand.

In the car, Bella can feel Jun angry reaction inside the car. So Bella tries to make his smiles. Bella goes closer to him and holds his hands. She put her head on his neck, and start to kiss his neck. Jun can't be angry with Bella treatment like this. Jun smile and kiss back to Bella. Ben smile to check his boss changes of reaction after Bella hold him. They arrive back in the mansion when Jun ask Ms. Wang to prepare him dinner. He eats quickly when Bella in the bathroom. Ms. Wang smile to see Jun eat so quickly. As soon as Bella finishes her bath, Jun already in front of the bathroom door, ready to take shower. Bella drags Jun to the Bed with her tonight.