a good kisser

Bella fell to sleep on Jun's shoulder. Jun put his arm surround Bella body to make her position more comfortable. Jun messaged Ben to find out all information about Nathan, including his weakness. Jun didn't want to go to war without any ammunition on his hand. It makes him the King of business world due on his diligent strategy toward his opponent. The business world shaped him into ruthless personality as he is now. Jun even make all his best friend worked for him now. Business is a war zone for Jun. Jun well aware of those things so He lays his foundation strong so no one dares to challenge or lay their eyes onto his empire. Now Jun has another priority in his life. The woman in his embrace is his main priority. Jun will not take it lightly as the head of the family. Jun will treasure and guard her. He knows every of his opponent knew that Bella is his weakness.

After 90 minutes of drives, they arrived in the Git Git waterfall in the north Bali. Jun kisses Bella to wake her up. She opened her eyes to find out that they have arrived on the destination. Jun steps out first from the car to help Bella out from the car. The area still pure of nature. "Mr Shin, we have to walk inside to find the waterfall," Wayan explained to Jun. "Dear, do you still want to go hiking to see the waterfall. Your shoe isn't compatible with that." Jun worried for Bella outfit, as she wore wedges. "I have my flip-flop Jun in my bag pack," Bella remembered. Jun instruct Wayan to get him Bella's bag pack. He opened it up to find her flip-flop gold sandal. Jun still not happy with the fact that the outfit is not fit for hiking. Jun kneel down to help Bella to change her shoes. Everyone looked at them with envy. The act of Jun towards Bella makes all women feel jealous. Nathan body full of rage to see Jun keep touching part of Bella body. He was going to launch an attack on Jun, but Linda held his arm tightly. She gave him head shake to stop him. Nathan listened to Linda for advice to pursue Bella. "Don't attack him if you still want Bella to look at you." She advised him. "But He clings to close to Bella. I couldn't see those." Nathan said desperately to her. "Be patient and you will know the truth soon," Linda said confidently to him. "How about you accompany me today. We can talk and I will help you to control your emotion." She offered him a small proposal. It seems like a good proposal for Nathan. He accepted with a reluctant face. Linda grabs the opportunity as soon as it lay in front of her. She clings to Nathan's arm to walk toward the waterfall with the guide. The untainted path to the waterfall makes their adventure to find the waterfall become more excited. The wildflower grows on the side of the path, and the greenery makes the air become more refreshing. Jun held Bella tightly on his right arms, he carried her handbag on his left hand. Made and Wayan guided them in the front of the group. There were few foreign tourists went to the waterfall and a few local tourists went back from the waterfall. Every woman look at Jun and Nathan handsome face, even two foreign girls were stopped to greet Jun. Jimmy felt sad to see two pairs of his friend walk together, while he got no one.

The majestic of waterfall view satisfied their efforts to walk through the bush. The waterfall surrounds with high wall cliff that shapes as high pillar allowing water to fell in between of their rocks. Bella got attracted to come closer to the water before Jun hold her waist from back to stop her. "Don't ever think to dive down my love," Jun whisper to her ear while embracing her from behind to view the waterfall. "I love you Jun," Bella said to Jun and kiss him passionately. Jun look at his wife bold action by kissing him, made an effort to return the kiss until she couldn't breathe before release her lips. Nathan saw them kissing couldn't hold anymore, but Linda stop him again. She drags him back to their car parking. Jimmy play around leave two couple that has a different path. Jimmy join Made and Wayan that sat idle on the solid rock to enjoy the nature.

"Why you have to drag me away from them?" Nathan said angrily to Linda. He pulled his hand hastily from her hand. "You want to know the truth. Okay first thing, you slept with me last night not Bella. Second thing, Bella kissed her husband just now." Linda talked back to him. He tried to swallow her word. "That is the reason, I help you and hold you back. I don't want you to become a fool." She talked him out. "so it was you last night." Nathan asked her before he went into silent mode. "Yes, it was me. I slept in Bella room last night when you intruded my sleep. You were a good kisser." Linda spoke shyly. She escorted him back to the car. It won't take long when the others arrived back from the waterfall. Bella looked at Linda and Nathan. They had different chemistry compare this morning. Jun opened the passenger car for Bella for he let himself in. the others climb to the car. In another car, Nathan asked Linda and Jimmy to join Bella car on the next stop, as he wants to go back first to the hotel. Nathan's head felt like to explode. "I will accompany you, Nathan." She said to him but he refuses her politely. "I just want to be alone, please." Nathan pleads to her. "Don't worry, I will send the driver back to pick you guys up on the next destination." He assures them about that. He will not abandon them, as it is not his nature.