Blind date

Finally, Ben managed to secure spots on the blind date arranged by exclusive matchmaker agency. His boss busy schedule and workload made him become a monk until now. They agreed to meet up in Shina Hotel. Ben managed to arrange a special table on the restaurant for his first date. In the lobby hotel, they were meet up and chat a little bit. Lan Shu Yue is an office assistant from a legal office. Ben didn't give his full identity as Jun Shin Personal Assistant. "Ms Lan, Where are you working?" Ben asked out of curiosity. "I am working at the prestigious Lim Law firm. However, I am just a small office assistant." She answered politely when Ben notice Mother An walked in to lobby. "Ms Lan, Could you excuse me a little to make a phone call for works? I remembered about some important thing I forgot to do. Please don't go, I will make it quick." Ben told her before she was agreeing to wait for him. Ben pulled up his phone to contact Brian. He got a negative feeling about mother An presences in the late evening. He arranged with Brian to tailgate Mother An and secured the CCTV footage on the corridor. He walked back to his date.

In the room, Chao Xiang waited for Yi Yue arrival. Finally, he heard the knock on the door. He opened it and checked if anyone comes and tail her before closing the door. they embraced each other and kissed before they engaged on the sexual intercourse. "you don't change Yi Yue. You always make me crazy with your body." Chao Xiang laid next to her. "I need you more now. I lost everything. stupid old An always ruin my life." Yi Yue said to him. "at least, you still have me. I always will be with you." He assured him. " don't be silly. Our son left me alone, I don't have money and house." she tried to tell him. "Unfaithful brat. I will find him for you and you can move into my villa near your husband house complex. You remember that villa is under your name. My first house is for the mother of my child." He assured her with his sweet words. " how about the lady of your present household, Your famous model daughter. Is she going to be mad?" Yi Yue tried to assure her position in Chao Xiang heart. "She is there because of you. I adopted her when she was a baby from my poor relative in the villages. I am always faithful to you. If you wanted, we can register our marriage to civil offices and put your name to become Madame Xu." he told to mother An. "I don't care for the legality. As long as I have your heart then it will be enough. I could move the mountain for you, my dear A Xiang." Mother An answered with a lustful tone. They spent the night in the hotel together.

Bella drag Jun to the snack bar. She ordered a big bucket of butter and caramel popcorn and a big tub of slushy. While Dan ordered everything for Cheryll. Bella looked at them with envy. Jun stood next to Bella and he was tried to analyse the surrounding environment as his references. Bella kicked his shin to attract his attention. "Yes, my love." Jun stutter in his pain. "Looked at Dan. Cheryll doesn't need anything, and He was attentively attend on her needs. You are busy phasing off to another space." Bella complaint to her husband. "I am sorry. it just I have never been on a date before like this. I never visited my own mall without the executive's presence. I am bit overwhelmed." Jun tried to explain. "Now can you pay this stuff. I don't bring any wallet with me." Bella asked him embarrassed. Jun smiled and kissed her forehead before give her his wallet. "It is all your, my love. you can get hold on it." Jun told her before he took out his phone and take a few pictures himself for the references. Bella opened his wallet when she found all sort of the limited edition credit card and her picture. she blushed to see her picture but she took out one of the cards to pay for the stuff. They were proceeding to enter the cinema. Bella sat between Cheryll and Jun. As soon as the cinema started to become dark, Bella started to eat the popcorn. Bella gave Jun his bottle of water, while she settled with a big tub of slushy. Jun amazed to see Bella appetite for popcorn as she munches through the movie. "Is the popcorn taste so good until your hand non-stop putting it to your mouth?" Jun asked her out of curiosity. Bella nodded embarrassedly. Jun signalled her not to moved her face as Cheryl and Dan kissed passionately next to her. she didn't understand the signal and see them kissed which make her face blushed. "I told you don't move, yet you don't listen to your husband." Jun whisper to her. Jun hold her hand and pull her out from the cinema. They roam around the mall before called it a night.