The Underworld King

"Mr Choi, that is the lady who has contacted us earlier. We have conducted the search on her. Please talk to her," A Min said to him. " Get me a bourbon on the rock," Liam said to him and walked to the table. He sat in front of Madame An who gave him an envelope with the picture inside. Liam opened it and see his lady picture with other man picture. " My wager for this meeting," Liam asked her. Madame An placed a golden dragon coin on the table to Liam side. He took it and put inside his jacket pocket. " So do you want me to kill them?" Liam said to her. " Yes. But as usual, it has to be a hit and run." Madame An said to him. Liam tried to contain his anger toward this old lady. "one of the pictures is the famous Jun Shin. He is the most difficult to kill in this world compare to US president and to be honest with you, I have some business with him over American soil and you asked me to kill my business partner. How much is my wager?" Liam asked her. "How much you asked for my master?" Madame An asked him. She didn't expect that the assassin would be the same age as her son. However, she dips her feet too deep in the mud and she couldn't retract it. "Well, If I have to eliminate my business partner, he will be worth 250 dragon coin and for the lady, I give you a discount for 150 dragon coin. If you are agreed for it, I would need to see the coin in advances." Liam said in his stern face. Liam stood up and walked out the café. He took the picture from the table and put it on his pocket. He immediately drives to Shin Mall to see his saviour.

Everyone sweated blood waited for Bella to arrive. "Where is she going? Ching, how can you let her out of your sight?" Susan said to Ching. Linda, Ada and Tony were worried about her whereabouts. Bella runs to the backstage where everyone scolded her loudly. She even bowed to them asked for forgiveness as she knew her wrongdoing. "Don't make everyone worried about you anymore," Tony give her an earful. Ada rushed to do her make-up and outfit. The host tried to stall as much time as he can. Finally, Tony carried her to the stage to give extra performance. Every girl is screaming to see his prince charming. In the background, they showed the scene on the night market where Tony comforted Bella. He put her down in the middle of the stage with the host present.

Liam walked inside the mall. His presences make every girl tried to get close to him. A Min followed him from behind with his other bodyguard. "Boss, why we are here?" A Min asked with his curiosity. "Find me any information about the girl in the picture and why the old hag wanted her to perish? I want it by tomorrow morning," Liam told A Min his instruction after handing in the picture. "Are we accepting the job, boss?" A Min in curiosity of his boss act after all the commotion. "Do as I instruct you. Do you want to die without people find out," Liam asked him. " I don't dare to challenge you." A Min said while stand back to make a phone call. He quickly instructed his subordinate to find out all the information as asked by the big boss. " Min, contact the organizer and arrange a meeting with that girl model. I want to talk with her in the backstage." Liam instructed him. " Do you want her to warm your bed tonight boss?" A Min asked him. " If you can arrange it. It would be nice. No kidnapping involved." Liam said to his loyal assistant. " Boss, it will be too hard." A Min sulked to him. However, He still goes to do his boss order regardless of the difficulties. It doesn't take long when he comes back and escorts him to the backstage. " Boss, the organizer will grant you time with Ms Bella Lu. Please wait here. Do you need something while waiting?" A Min said to him. "Get me spicy chicken feet from old Luo and Ice Americano," Liam said to him. He instructed one of the bodyguards to get their boss request while the rest stayed guard with him on Liam side.

The product launching event ended after 45 minutes. Bella and Tony walked back to the backstage when the stage director instructed Bella to go meet with someone important. Ching and Tony followed her but got stopped by Liam's bodyguard. They only allowed Bella to come closer to Liam. "This is absurd. Bella, you aren't going near him." Tony warned her. Bella knew this guy but she doesn't understand about all the commotion. Bella walks approaching him and sits next to him. " Hi, we meet again. My name is Liam. What is your name?" Liam opens the conversation. " hmmm, what do you want? Why you have to stop my friend to come in with me," Bella said to him. " Really, so they stopped them! A Min let Ms Lu friend come in." Liam gave an order to them as a result, Tony and Ching allowed coming closer to them. " Are you the famous Liam Choi?" Tony asked him. " Who are you?" Liam amazes with his knowledge about him. A Min whisper something to Liam's ear and it makes him smile. " Ah, you are my loyal patron in our gay Bar, Famous Tony," Liam said to him. " Tony, how do you know him?" Bella asked him. " Who is in this world doesn't know The Famous underworld King, Liam Choi," Tony explained Liam identity to Bella. " So the underworld king mean as in mafia who killed people and do all the illegal stuff," Bella asked him with her innocent face.