Promise her all the happiness in this world

"Don't be sad like that. Even you are an old lady, but I will always love you." Jun said to her and embrace her on his laps. "Come with me to Switzerland, so we can take our prewedding picture. We can see a few venues in Italy and France for our wedding party." Jun said to her. "But we have married already. We will waste your money for the party," Bella said to him. "No but. Last time you said like that and you become stupidly jealous of the news about me and another girl. Let's the whole world know I am already taken by this gorgeous girl on my laps. And in another hand, no one will dare to flirt with you," Jun said to her. "you just realise that your wife is beautiful." Bella starts to tease him and give him a kiss on his cheek. Jun embraces her more tightly.

Collin walks out the door and shouted at them. "Don't have sex in here. It's disgusting, Jun. Hold your desire," Collin said to him. "Shut up," Jun said to him. "Bella, let's me check you. It seems that you are getting better," Collin asked her. Bella nods happily and walks to her bed. Collin closes the curtain so it gives them privacy when Collin checks her cervix and her head wounds. Collin is really happy with the outcome of perfectly heal the wound. "I will inject you with some contraception shots so you will not get pregnant again soon. "Collin said to her. And Jun open the curtain before coming near the bed. "Collin, I am going to take Bella to Switzerland tomorrow. Is it possible?" Jun asked him about it. "In my opinion, it should be no problem as long as you are not going to tire her," Collin said to him. "I am planning to give her a grand wedding reception. Don't worry, I will be careful." Jun told her while putting his hand on Collin's shoulder. Jun hide his true intention from Bella for his trip to Switzerland. He doesn't want her to be worried. "I know you love her so much my brother," Collin said to him before he leaves the room.

Liam tried to contact this Russian guy named Boris. Boris actually ignored his warning and his direct boss in Moscow. Liam throws his drinking cup to vent his anger. "A Min get us the ticket to Moscow. Tell my cousin, Irina to pick me up at the airport. She becomes softer for her subordinate ignored my direct command" Liam said and walked out to his house. A Min made all the arrangement for them travel to Moscow the next day.

Jun make a phone call to Ben after Collin leaves the room. "Ben, we are leaving tomorrow. Tell them to pack our necessity and you pick us up in the hospital tomorrow morning before we leave," Jun told him. "Are we going with commercial or your private plane sir?" Ben asked him. "wait a second. Let's me ask the big boss," Jun said to Ben. Ben is rolling his eyes on another side to hear his boss said that he got another boss. "Honey, do you want to fly with commercial airlines or my private plane," Jun asked her. Bella was watching a travel show on the television about the review of airlines around the worlds. "Could we ride the best airlines in the world, Singapore Airlines?" Bella asked him. Jun didn't answer her back but continuing the phone with Ben. "Booked us first Class with Singapore Airlines, make sure it will be double bed or private suite. Check also the layover time with them. If it is more than three hours, you need to book our hotel overnight. Understand!" Jun instructs to Ben. "Yes, boss. Anything else?" Ben asked him. "Take Susan with you. Tell Brian to join us also and tell Dan to form a photographer team to shots our prewedding picture in Europe. It means Ada needs to come and compile our outfit for the photoshoot overnight," Jun told him. "Boss, are you going to shots a picture? Are you sure? I thought you hate to take a picture," Ben assures him. "Just do my command," Jun said to Ben before closing the connection.

"I overheard it. Are we really going to fly first class?" Bella asks him and hug him like a small kid. "Yes, my love. Anything for you." Jun hug her tightly. It won't take long until the nurse come to the room and untie her IV drip. The nurse is also injecting the contraception drug on to Bella. She is so happy that she doesn't need to lay down on the bed. "Jun, can you take me to walk down stair?" Bella asked him. "What do you want? You need to rest with our upcoming schedule," Jun said to her. "But I carve for fresh air. It is so stuffy in here," Bella told him. Jun can't hold anymore and finally give in to Bella request.