The Ambush part 1

The Xie family doctor who take care Cecile know about her. He was in their marriage reception and he owed Collin some debt for saving his oldest son from a motorcycle accident. Despite his busy schedule in the hospital, Dr Collin helped him to save his son even his position in the hospital is only relief emergency doctor. He keeps vow on his heart to repay his kindness. He was shocked initially to find out that Allan kidnapped Dr Collin wife. he tried his best to provide the best care without alarming Allan regarding his knowledge about Cecile. He saw the bump on her stomach when he got the urges to protect her from the villain.

He sedates her to delay some time within safe precaution as two-person safety in his hand. Meanwhile, he has to get a message sent out about their whereabouts. He tries to use his mobile phone but there is no connection on this remote island. he kept thinking the way out without alarming Allan Xie as no one will protect his boss lady.