Hi Sexy!

Jun is enjoying the coffee on the quirt moment which can make everyone who is waiting got crush on their nerves. No one dares to actually confront Jun Shin because his payback is scarier than the pain itself.

It is the same feeling with Li Shi at the moment. There is no voice only her own breathing on the air and the sound of water in the background.

This warehouse is an abandoned swimming pool with a stance build-up for diving. The main point is to make her the same feeling as his wife. He treasures his wife so much and she got hurt because of someone greed. If his wife is leaving him alone in this world, he will make her life hanging in the thread and crushed every bone and nerve in her body before joining his wife.

In his mind, he can't live without his wife in this world. their two-baby assembly his wife so much and it makes him feel the pain to see them.