Going To Have Some Fun

In Liliane's personal car, Ying Yue told the driver an address to drive to. Ying Yue and Liliane sat in the back seat while the driver and Gen Lei sat in the front.

" Hey, Liliane! " Ying Yue whispered in the girl's ear.

" What? " Liliane answered a bit grumpily.

" Something happened between you two, right? " Ying Yue showed a smirk.

" ... " Liliane's eyes flew open and she stared at Ying Yue, " How did you know?! "

Ying Yue awkwardly scratched her cheek before saying, " Well...actually, it's not my fault as I knew nothing about it but supposedly...there was alcohol in the ice cream and you and Gen Lei have been standing at an awkward distance since I saw you guys this morning... "

" So...with my incredible IQ...I guess that something went wrong last night...? " Ying Yue innocently blinked her eyes.

"...You...You...You! You gave me ice cream with alcohol in it?!?! " Liliane lashed out.

" No! I didn't even know! It was my boyfriend who bought the ice cream! Not me, not me! I was also a victim of his scheme! " Ying Yue defended herself.

" I don't believe you! " Liliane sneered.

" Then look at this! " Ying Yue showed her collarbone to Liliane.

Seeing the hickeys left by Ying Yue's boyfriend, Liliane slightly blushed from their intimacy, " Why did your boyfriend buy you ice cream with alcohol then?! "

" I don't know, it's his fault for having indecent thoughts, not me! " Ying Yue harrumphed, naturally pushing all the blame on Jun Feng.

" You -... " Liliane sighed.

" Yes, something happened because of your stupid ice cream! " Liliane gave her an exasperated look.

" What is it?! " Ying Yue's interest perked up.

"Well... " Liliane glanced back at Gen Lei who was sitting at the front looking at through the window and only when she was sure he couldn't hear her, did she speak.

" After you went away... I fell asleep on the couch and...he brought back up to my room but I refused to let him go and even... " Liliane's face blushed fierce red as she quietly mumbled the last words, " kissed him..."

Ying Yue silently lifted an eyebrow from this confession, " Oh... Interesting development..."

" But he kissed you back right? " Ying Yue asked.

"...!!! " Liliane's cheeks turned even redder, which Ying Yue didn't know was possible.

" Oh...It's great then! Just tell him to take responsibility! It's fine if you blackmail him a bit as long as you get what you want! " Ying Yue advised.

' Blackmail... Yeah... I don't think I can take her pieces of advice...' Liliane sighed in her head.

They continued on for a bit before finally seeing the building from afar.

Arrived in front of the humongous moon-shaped building, Liliane and Gen Lei confusedly blinked their eyes, they already knew she was not normal...but they did not expect this kind of level.

Seeing the familiar figure, the four bodyguards at the entrance bowed and opened the door for Ying Yue.

They subtly scrutinized her guests but kept their cool and let them enter.

Before entering, Ying Yue stopped in her tracks for a second, her ears peering up and her eyes narrowing: she sneered before walking in like nothing happened.

As soon as she stepped in, the workers hastily formed two lines and welcomed her, " Welcome Boss Moon! "

" Keep up the good work everyone! We have guests, give them two green passes and make sure they are suitable before bringing them down. " Ying Yue ordered the secretaries.

" Yes, Boss Moon. " they slightly bowed and led Liliane and Gen Lei into a room.

" Don't worry, there are just security measures to be taken before you guys enter further into the building! We'll see each other soon! " Ying Yue smiled reassuringly when she saw their weird expression as they thought they were tricked.

She then left unworriedly and went straight to see their strategist in defence, " Raise up the magnetic shield immediately! Put it at 50% "

Her voice was cold and resolute, " They are back for another round of fun so let's serve them! "

" The Italians? " a technician questioned, his brows furrowed.

" Yes, take out the old ones that still haven't been used and when I give you the signal you, shoot them moderately. " Ying Yue ordered as she hooked an ear talking device around her ear.

Taking quickly a look at their 3D virtualized plan about the current position of their enemies, Ying Yue showed a smile and quickly walked away.

Entering their main lab, Ying Yue walked past many scientists and headed straight to the main office of their leader.

Ying Yue knocked on the white door frame and saw the one she was looking for: a pretty lady with pronounced curves, black jet short hair, a sexy mole at the corner of her mouth and a pair of shining glasses.

Jessica was currently typing in a report.

" Can I enter? " Ying Yue asked.

" Hmm. " Jessica vaguely responded.

" Jess, I heard that you placed those underground beta mine bombs 5km from our base. " Ying Yue said as she soon as she spotted her genius friend.

" You didn't signal an alert. " Jessica doubtfully raised her glasses.

" I'll do it afterwards. " Ying Yue showed an innocent smile.

" ...Yes, I did. What do you want me to do with those? " Jessica sighed.

" Go see Jason and when his team finished pushing back the enemies, bomb the survivors. " Ying Yue commanded with a slight smirk, a dangerous glint flashed in her eyes.

" Okay. " Jessica answered before packing her documents about the mine bombs in a suitcase and leaving her precious lab, " You are as reckless as ever..."

( As they are in the mafia, they all used a code name to hide their real identity and they would use English names as it was easier. )

Ying Yue accompanied her for a bit before directing herself into a changing room where she chose to wear a completely black skin-tight suit with a thin bulletproof jacket that contained all types of weaponry.

Pulling on her black leather half-covering gloves, Ying Yue looked at herself in the mirror and smiled devilishly, " Well, well, well...I'm going to have some fun! "