First week of first semester, students went to their classes and confirmed their attendants. All of the four classes of Leona are together with Russell. Without he realized it, Russell felt so excited when he saw her. He tried to talk to her but the situation seemed absurd as the crowd focusing on him. The female junior students who were walking on the balcony treated him as if he was an idol.
The situation was more chaos when she was attending Martial Art Class. The girls gone crazy and loud. However the loudness only heard from outside. The hall was strictly for martial art students only and the building was soundproof from outside and inside. The girls were peeking from the small windows and cheering the students from outside. There was one main group really gaining great attention from the girls. There were 50 students taking the class and 49 of them were the male students from Art department and was only one female student enrolled for the class which actually allocated for the boys. Leona was accidentally the only girl in the class.
Seeing the only female in the group, the instructor called her. He asked her how she knew the code of the subject as the subject and code only opened for the selected male students for Art Department. Leona also was so surprised to see the master had no idea how the limited seat would be taken by her. Leona widely her eyes and she was more so happy to hear that and hopefully she could dropped the subject with his recommendation. Then immediately she requested to drop the subject.
"Do you think you can drop it?" The instructor asked her back.
"Can't I?"
"In your dream perhaps."
Ice face knew how to made lamed joke! What a joke.
She shook her hear and walked away with her shoulder down. She tied her white belt slowly and then she saw the rest of the students were wearing the black belt. She swallowed her saliva hardly. During training session she tried her very best to cope with the movement. As she was the newbie, the instructor let she watched the sparring by the boys. She sat among the boys in the rectangle shaped. While in the middle, five students showed their routine of their martial art simultaneously. It was so beautiful and Leona really immersed in the show. Right after they finished their routine, they bowed to their instructor who was standing before them.
Without they expected it, Leona clapped her hands and shouted encouraging words for them. Instantaneously all of them focusing to her. Actually the group had been together since their first year devoted to the club for the Martial Art. They all were the leaders for the Taekwando in training for their external certificates to qualify them to train others in different colleges. It was the fourth years together and they were earnestly wanted the best for their skills and never allowed things distracting them especially during training time.
That was the fourth class she entered that week. Leona could not help it but to be noticed by the leaders of the martial arts. They seem enjoyed her being around. She was easily made friends even though her looked was so nerd in her glasses. She purposely dressing in that way to avoid people recognized her or to be exactly didn't want people to remember her.
She tied her permed hair and let go some of the hair and wearing the big glasses. She hoped that people in the campus may remember her as a geek and not more or less than that. When she thought of it, she could freely be unnoticed by the students. Unfortunately her attitude gave a deep impression to her classmates.