I really, really like you very much. Like crazy!

-back to the park~

"Shall we take a sit?" Leona pressed his arm in her embrace.

"Keep on walking," he says and kissed her head. He has something on his mind.

"It should be not that far from here."

Leona felt anxious but she managed to hold her tongue from asking any question and just followed his steps into one of the beautiful set up of the light. Nobody was there and as if the place was guarded by someone from entering. They both walked slowly into the small set up but with three main lights focusing on the ground- white and red. In the middle of the light there was a small box of on the big white seashell covered with white clothes.

"Andrew, who could left it here? It's beautiful." Leona was walking around the shell and her eyes also wandering around to see if there any sign of people who would doing the same thing somewhere there.

Suddenly Andrew smiled at her and held her hand and walked near the white shell. Leona looked puzzle and tried to understand the situation. She kept saying in her heart -

"Impossible- it just my imaginary."

Then she chuckled and scratched her head while she was walking with him. Confidently Andrew unveiled the white clothes. There was a small blue velvet box fitting right in the shell. When she watched he tried to take out the velvet box, she was really worry he would ruined people's planned.

"Are you sure?" She asked him and looked into his eyes. He was smiling.

"Oh my, that smile!" she murmured in her heart.

"Look at the name in the card." He shoved her the small card next to the shell. He could predict this would happened as this was his second attempt actually. Last time she refused to take the box as she was worried it belong to someone. As the situation was awkward they just passed the lovely grand set up near the big fountain. Andrew just passed the surprise and learned something new about that girl of his heart.

"Oh my God, it's really for me.." She saw her name written nicely. While Leona was thrilled in her own thought, Andrew came closed to her- really closed to her. He kissed her forehead and then looked into her eyes.

"Will you become my girlfriend?" Suddenly Andrew kneeling on his knee. He opened the velvet box and showed a gold made necklace with their initials ~ LA~

"Girlfriend?" She could not help it but her face shown a very wide smile. "Thanks God, he didn't say wife" she blurted it out in her heart. Without any hesitation she shouted, "Yes! I'll be your girlfriend!!"

Andrew smiled and he kissed her cheeks. He put on the necklace to Leona. Then their eyes meet, full with gentleman, he kissed her lips and look into Leona's eyes. Then he smiled again saying, "I like you very much, like crazy!"

After a while, Leona pushed him away gently.

"What's wrong?" He becomes a bit panic.

" I have something for you", Leona took out from her pocket. A soft fluffy toy blue coloured with its big eyes.' Suddenly Andrew's eyes wide opens. His heart beat beats fast. She shoved gently the toy to him. He suddenly kissed her mouth her passionately. She almost lost her breathing.

"Whoa! What's that for?" She tried to understand and looked into his eyes . She was really surprised to his action.

"Are you okay?" Her both hands on his shoulders. While his both arms around her waist. Their foreheads met leaning to each others. Leona raised her head until their eyes meet each other. They could feel their breath flow to their face.

He didn't reply but just smile sincerely with full of love in his eyes. He gently hugged her and lifted her body slowly. When her body fully embraced with that strength against his torso, she felt really padded. That was the first time Leona felt her heart filled with love. Seriously L.O.V.E! No doubt, no hesitation and no fear. She just allowed everything he did to her. He just embraced her tightly then kissed her right and left eyebrows. Then her nose, cheeks, chin and last her lips, he kissed them with gentle.