A dragon and a prey

Three hundred meters over the see two men leaded seven young girls through narrow path to cave. In front of the cave there were several humans bones crushed as if a pack of wild animals organised there a feast. But there were no animals here all of them either run away long ago or were swallowed by Him.

"Oh Great King of the rear! Lord of the mountains, The most gorgeous of all beings! We the people of Zela come to offer you this humble prey. So please in all your wisdom and strength don't kill our herd and don't poison our wells!"- a man told shout in direction of cave standing between the bones.

Then a moment of silence, there was no answer. The girls started to have hope maybe they will survive? Maybe this creature abandon their land? Maybe they will see they families today. Fathers and mothers, and brothers? Suddenly a tremendous roar followed by dark shape came out of the cave. Six meter tall twelfth meter long body with eight meter long tail reptile like creature. His body was covered with black scales hard as stone yet flexible like wood, silver calves sharp as steel and fangs like spears."How dear you mere human speak to me and not bow your head? Shall I poison your springs and rivers again!? It would be honor to you, if I would eat you now!"

"Oh forgive me o magnificat Voland strong among the strongest! I do not mean to disrespect You!"

"Fine. But if you will do it ever again your city shall fell the burn!... Now give me the offering and get the hell out of my mountain"

And as the dragon wanted so does the men did. Girls entered into the cave too scared to scream, too weak to cry. Those who bring the prey were slowly going back to the city.

"It is not right, father. Why do we give this beast our best girls flowers of our towns and villages? We should fight back!"

-"Don't be stupid Kresus we have no chance against him. Don't you remember the sages' writings? The age of heroes has ended over eight hundred years ago!"

-"And what's with that? Are people who would be called heros back then just vanished?... I believe that such people are still around somewhere."

-"Your stubbornness will end up badly my son! You should mind yourself before it will be too late."

And so they were quarreling all the way back to their city which took them a full day. It is worth to mention that the first way when they were delivering "The prey" had taken them almost a three days. The reason of that was quite obvious the girls were not eager to became a dinner. In result the men(by some people known also as watchdogs) used to disciplined their captives really harsh so when they finally were presented to the dragon they would not do anything what the beast could see as disrespect. As reader can noticed The Watchdogs were not cruel by their nature. They were really touched by the fate of the young women yet still they had no courage to oppose. This only show us how fierce and malicious Voland was that even man of kind-heart turn into emotionless servant.

By the night fall our not really heros reached the city walls. The walls were seven meters tall and four meters wide. On their surface there were visible old inscription which were a special kind of protection. The locals called it magic however the sages of the west were used other term to describe this force. But no matter how strong the walls were they gave no protection against the dragon who could flew over them. They were also not strong enough against imperial forces who, with the help of the sages took conquered the city over one and half a century ago.

The watchdogs entered the city and was invited by hostile looks of girls' families. No one were proud of their job or want o befriend with them but all people understand that it was necessary for community survival. The men went all the way to the rich district of the city and were met by a woman:"How was your journey my dear husband and beloved son?"

-"Don't pretend that we are doing something good mother! You know disgusting we are! It would be better for us to die than carry the shame of our deeds!"

-"Mind your words Kresus you speak to your Mother! She gave birth to you and confess her live for your well-being. You must value your live not because of yourself but because of her!"

-"Phm!"-was the only answer given by Kresus.

-"Nare my dear wife forgive him his stupidity. Has anything important happened when we were out of the city?"

-"Yes, not earlier than yesterday a cohort has arrived from The Eternal City. I was told that they are lead by young nobleman who came here for seek of glory and want to kill... I'm not going to mind His name"