A plan?

Fantazy was sitting on a bed in the former room of Kresus(the one who died a few days ago). It was a though day and now after the sunset he felt devastated. It appeared that he had not regenerate his strength after "Hunt". The fight was exhausting and so was the meeting.



-The door are open you may enter the room.-he said blankly

-Sorry I disturb you late sir...-It was a girl she was no proficient in coine and she had a strong accent

- You? Is it you?-"Is it a girl from my dream!? ...no it is just this servant girl..."-Fantazy was not fully aware what was happening around him, he was tired.

-Forgive I sir but I don't know what are you talk now, I name is Anahid.-she said a little confused

-Yes.. sure...pleas take a sit-he pointed at the place on the bed by his side.

-Oh than..thank you sir-She flushed. Fantazy seems quite attractive in her eyes but she was in love with Kresus. How could she possible betrayed her love? especially in his own house, in his room, in his bed...? He was her savior who saved her from the dragon's fangs!

Even if she had never confessed him her love this was still unthinkable! ...but then again Kresus was dead and this young man also risk his own live for their safety... and he was alive here and now! What should she do?

-Is there any problem?-Fantazy asked impatiently

-Oh no sir I'm sorry- She felt aroused but she sat by his side.

They were sitting like that in the darkness for a while body near the body, man and woman. She was ashamed but also a bit steamed. He was falling asleep.

-So... why you come here then... I mean now?-Fantazy was already in somnolence

-I here come ask you aboot master Kresus sir-she was trying to gain some information but emotions were very strong in her and poor knowledge of language didn't help

-I'm not.. I'm not a sir you foolish, foolish girl! Hahahahah... Don't you know? my mother was a slave.

Did she understand him correctly? Did he said that his mother was a slave? But she knew that he was a citizen of the Imperium! Does the customs in Eternal City were different than here? Anahid was always thought that one who was born as peasant shall always be a peasant and so shall be her children and their children. If she understood him correctly ,and what he said was true, she could understand why so many people want to move to "The City". Now she had even more question than before and not only about master Kresus.

She wanted to ask him about these things but he was already sleeping and leaning on her arm. Anahid stayed there not wanting to awake him. Shortly after she also felt asleep. Someone may say that it was romantic but can really romanse exist in such a place? Where only bad weather protect them from the dragon's rage?

Fantazy awoke... or maybe he felt asleep, he was not sure. Above his head, beneath the sky, hung cobalt's colour clouds. He was standing among the tall white grasses, it was unnatural. "Where Am I?"- he asked himself. "Some of your kind call it The Void."-answered a voice that he already knew "Others refer to it as The Abyss... You may know this place also as The Underworld."

-Underworld!? Those this that I'm...

-No you are alive... or rather... asleep. Don't you know that dream is brother of death?

-You I know you!

-Yes you do- And the Gigant grinned. It was then when Fantazy realized that he was not only a Gigant but he also had three pairs of wings! One over his ankle and two on his back.

-What... or who are you?

-Hahaha good question!-The Gigant Giggled and slap his thigh-But it is not the time nor the place to answer this. Let me show you something.-As the Gigant said this he transformed it to a mist and swing around Fantazy's body. The young man was drifted away.

The puff of mist carried him up, high above the ground. Going through the clouds was not a pleasant experience though. Beside lightnings there were a lot of demons. They were not guardians of the underworld, no one is guarding the underworld. These creatures were pests who used their powers to lure mortals and then threw them into the Abyss. Neither of them however dear to come close to the mist.

After Fantazy exceed the line of clouds he found himself in a cave. The mist lied him down on the ground gently. Then it forms back into a gigant. But this time it was not really a gigant but medium height man. He had black complexion however his feature remind more of a inhabitant of far north rather than farther south. His face was very feminine and if not his muscular body one could say that he was a young girl. His hair were light like a late summer straw.

-This way- Straw-haired pointed at narrow path between the boulders.

Fantazy barely fit in the tunel so he scratched his hands and legs on the rocks. "How long is this?" he wondered."Maybe this is a dream(and I'm not even certain of that) but still reaching the end of the tunel takes eternity!"

Outside of the cave the non-winged non-gigant was waiting for him. Fantazy was sure that his "guide" was still in cave but probably with power that gigant poses some kind of teleportation was not a problem.

-Where are we?-Fantazy asked, his brown hair were wet, the humidity was high and so was the temperature.

-No where- the gigant change into mist, swing around the brunet and reformed back into person. He was levitating upside down and staring at Fantazy's green eyes- ... but when.

As the blond one said it they heard a roar:



-What was that?-Fantazy was surprised

-Why don't we check it?- answered the other one smiling suspiciously

When they traversed the nearest hill Fantazy saw a red dragon and some primitive people. They had only bony spears. They had no chance against such beast!



The spear was stuck into dragons troth. Fantazy could not stand he grabbed his sword and charged at the beast. "Why am I doing it?"- he wondered-"I have no interest in helping them!" but he felt that he must do it. Was it an instinct? Maybe he saw an opportunity to strike the beast when it was weakened, so maybe it was just it? Or maybe he heard ,first time from a long time, voice of conscience? No matter what was the reason of the decision it was too late to change it.


The green glowing sword cut through the dragons leg.

-Adyge eskura suebi!- One of the men shouted in unintelligible language. Then the rest of hunters stabbed the monster.


The beast howled from pain. He wanted to blast them with fire but instead of it a stream of blood leaked out of his jaw. It was the moment! Fantazy hold his sword firmly. He pierced the dragon's stomach and run ripping beast's guts. The monster swayed and fell down on the ground. The hunters shouted in euphoria and probably wanted to thanks the "Dragon-slayer" for his deeds. He however was not able to understand them.

Before he noticed the mist covered our here once again. Now he saw some kind of motion picture. Firstly there was the red dragon defecating, then the hunters collected his droppings and mixed it with some red flowers.

And at last the monster that ate this mixture.

-Do you know already how to defeat your foe?-asked the gigant in his bizarre form.


-Hahahaha great! Then it is time for you!




Fantazy woke up he lied in a warm and cosy bed. He was naked and so was Anahid who lied by his side. It was comforting and he didn't want to awake the girl. Her hairs were as soft as silk. For the first time he saw her with a peace on her face. Had he realized how beautiful she were earlier? It always appeared to him that she was stressed and care about everything. And those things for sure prepossess her natural grace. He was astonished by her cuteness.



-Hey Fantazy sorry that I'm not waiting for you answer but...-Argos stopped in the mid-sentence.

The girl had awake but it took her a moment to realize what was going on. When she noticed that Argos found her in bed with Fantazy she instantly flushed. She "liked" her new "friend" but she was not shameless.

-Oh I see that while everyone is struggling to survive you decided to make yourselves a pleasure?-His language was even sharper than usually and one can feel something in his voice... jealousy maybe?