Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Six - Jin Li is not winning either

The jarring sound of metal clashing upon metal echoed throughout the outer school arena, but this first ringing noise was followed in quick succession by the same again and again. The two swords crossed paths again, but there was an angry pause, before the wielders of both pushed back with force, sliding across the stone floor, before retaking their stances. Both of the wielders were strong, both were skilled, but one was emersed in a silent fury that was impairing his judgement. He was quickly suppressed by the other.

"Enough!" Bowyer declared, feeling dissatisfaction from this fight. "Jin Li, What is wrong with you? Your mind is not in this arena."

Jin Li refused to meet his gaze, turning his face to the side as he denied Bowyer's observation. "It's nothing."

The man sighed. He'd been looking forward to this spar with the youth; it was always a challenge to meet with Jin Li's unusual moves and in there lie a certain thrill that he couldn't experience elsewhere in this school. His Teacher had taught him too well! Only the higher cultivation of his seniors could now suppress him, their techniques were generally worse than his own. Jin Li's cultivation was only a half step lower than his own, thus they were well matched.

"Clearly it's not nothing," Bowyer argued, seeing to his blade before sheathing it. Still, Jin Li was unwilling to admit to the problem.  His black Phoenix eyes seemed to darken and become as icy as the frozen wastelands of the north in winter.

Within the stands, Sun and Pike could clearly hear their conversation, now their blades ceased meeting one another in battle. And on hearing Bowyer's words, the older man turned to the youth beside him and queried; "Why is Jin Li in such a sour mood?"

"Ah," Sun said, not bothering to censure his words; he'd had to waste points on a cultivation bath, when he could have had a perfectly good one at Leon's place yesterday, had it not been for Jin Li. "He and Leon had an argument."

"Really? What about?" Pike asked as Bowyer walked over. Jin Li followed, his usual arrogant posture masking only a little of the cold, dark aura spilling out of him. Sun looked wary as Jin Li glared his way, but as it happened, he had no idea what the pair had argued about and could only shrug. "I can't imagine it, Leon in an argument."

"There was no argument," Jin Li denied. "My al... he rejected this Lord's good intentions. Seeing as this is what he has chosen, this Lord refuses to bother with him anymore!"

The two men glanced at each other and quickly read between the lines. They had spent a fair bit of time with both Leon and Jin Li over the past lunar months and had witnessed the possessive streak in the youth before them and his usually hidden tender side, both were brought out by the small alchemist. And how could they have not noticed how Leon would let Jin Li's harsh words and selfish actions brush over him like petals floating on the wind, yet the boy would worry about the martial artist, even after expressing his confidence in him.  Clearly whatever was between them was not simple friendship.  But one was a naive, shy boy and the other a difficult, somewhat oblivious youth, not an easy pair to overcome hurdles and speak of feelings.

Both men sighed and Pike patted Jin Li's shoulder unsure whether to offer advice or not.  After all, they were single men as well.

"Hey! Hey, Jin Li!" Turning around, the group saw a first year running towards them, across the arena. The slightly rotund youth was flushed of cheek, but not perspiring and he wasn't out of breath. He paused for a moment and the colour in his face began to deepen as he said; "There's this girl looking for you."

"Not interested," Jin Li said instantly, while Sun sighed. This was not the first time a female had expressed her interest in his roommate and Sun had to avoid the more persistent ones as they chased him in order to get to their target! Lottie was half a foot taller than him and twice his stature, it was frightening to be hunted by that one!

"She said she had a gift for you," the first year continued as if Jin Li had not spoken, his eyes clearly a little dazed. "Some pills."

Just as he spoke these words, said girl stepped out of the shadows into the arena, her shoulders squared back and her demeanour both confident and self assured, though her eyes fell downcast after meeting with Jin Li's. She wore silk robes of pale jade with emerald and purple peonies embroidered upon them.

The first year blushed more brightly as he stared at her for a moment before babbling on; "She said that she's part of the alchemist's inner school now, so her pills should be much more to your liking than before."

The youth sneered slightly and turned glance at Sun. "That girl, do I know of her?"

"Ah, she's the girl Merylin!" Sun recalled, the girl had left an impression on him, but it wasn't a favourable one. "She's offered you her pills before. Apparently they were quite good. But you turned her down then as well."

"I did? When was that?"

"Back when Leon lost his glasses and you were helping him."

"That small alchemist offered no gratitude then either. Bah! This Lord is right to wash ones hands of him."

The first year opened his mouth to remind them of the waiting girl, but shut it again in the wake of Jin Li's increasingly dark appearance. Pike and Bowyer glanced at each other once more and sighed inwardly. Definitely oblivious.