Chapter One Hundred And Thirty Seven - Jin Li’s first gift to me

"There w-was an accid-dent at school," Leon told him, gazing through his thick glasses at this man, his heart swelling once more. It had been a long week and it almost seemed as if the affection showered upon him by this difficult man was but a dream that he was forced to wake up from. But his mouth tingled in memory and his heart beat loudly in his chest and he licked his lips nervously, while Jin Li smirked and sauntered over to shadow him. He glanced up in anticipation only to see the taller boy's nose wrinkle in disgust.

"You ought to bathe," Jin Li said, though it sounded more like an instruction than a suggestion.

Leon nodded, automatically, knowing what Jin Li declared was true and picked up a bucket to fill with water from the barrel, before taking it into the makeshift bathing room. He couldn't help but glance over his shoulder at the other as he swept aside the cloth door with his hand, blushing as certain thoughts raced through his mind. Jin Li's brows rose high in question. Leon's colour deepened as he rushed inside the small room, but naturally one bucket isn't going to fill a tub, even delaying his exit by lighting the fire beneath the metal tub wasn't going to prevent him coming face to face with Jin Li again.

Jin Li leaned against the hut wall, watching the small alchemist dart back and forth, becoming increasingly jittery and colourful before him, delighting his cruel mind. And when he deemed it time, the youth followed Leon into the shed. The other hadn't yet noticed and was testing the temperature of the water before deciding to put out the flames. Leon then turned around sharply, before bumping into Jin Li's chest, nose first.

"Seems even with the ghastly lenses, you still can't see?" Jin Li asked, the amusement evident in his voice.

"You sn-snuck up b-b-behind m-me!" Leon complained.  He thought that Jin Li was waiting outside for a cup of tea and probably snacks and had planned on making him a drink while he (Leon) bathed (and dealt with a growing problem), did not expect the youth to decide to enter the shed after him.

"Undress," Jin Li demanded, suddenly.

"W-w-What?" Leon squeaked, nervously.

"How are you supposed to bathe with your robes on?" Jin Li sneered, his arms crossed about his chest.


"Or do I need to do it for you?"

Leon quickly stripped himself of his outer robes, tossing them to one side, but he still hesitated aware of his condition. He turned around before removing his inner robes and reaching down to take off his undergarments.

"Why are you hiding? It's not as if I haven't seen your body before." Jin Li spoke the words close to his ear and he had to bite his lip to stop the slight moan from escaping his throat. He glanced up over his shoulder as he covered his lower half with his arms. The steam from the water had already begun to effect his glasses and so there was barely any difference to his sight as they were removed from his face. He gulped before decisively jumping into the tub to hide his shame in the depths of the water.

Jin Li sniffed, uncertain about the scent of the water, but shook the thought away as he reached for the sandsoap jar upon the shelf. "I will wash your hair," the youth decided, again surprising Leon.

"You d-d-don't n-need t-to!" Leon mumbled, unable to see the expression upon Jin Li's face that spoke of irritation due to being refused.

"You should be honoured that this Lord is serving you," he said, harshly, "so do not deny me.  Besides, if I leave it to you, you'll likely not do it well and this Lord will have to endure the smell all night!"

"Okay," Leon whispered, still suffering slightly from his bodily reactions. The mix of Jin Li's deep voice, memories of his talented tongue and wicked thoughts of them bathing together had caused it to rise, but Jin Li running his fingers over Leon's scalp and through the length of his hair was certainly doing nothing to help it fall. He could only keep it hidden and hope Jin Li wouldn't notice!

Though at the end, he was a little disappointed that Jin Li didn't notice as all sorts of scenarios had run though his mind as Jin Li had washed his hair. If a certain fujoshi had known of such thoughts, she truly would have been proud! Jin Li was oblivious, it could not be helped!

Still, he remained attentive, drying off the hair sometime later with spare cloths as the two young men sat by the table enjoying freshly brewed tea and sandwiches. And then it was combed, before Jin Li took a section of it and twisted it into a knot before feeding part of the hair through a small silver crown, much like his own. He then set it in place with a blue jade hair pin. Startled, Leon reached for the place it sat, upon his head.

"Don't touch, you'll make a mess of it and this Lord won't tidy it up again!" Jin Li rebuked him. He had hunted beasts nearby to the Martial Arts school all week in part to complete missions, but in part to collect sellable materials, all of which were sold in Julip Town earlier today. He managed to gather a fair bit of silver for himself and just happened to be passing a jewellery shop where the cheap crown and blue pin happened to catch his eye. And he just happened to give into some ridiculous whim and purchase them, only to place them into Leon's hair. Well his man needed something more impressive that a piece of string to deal with his silken hair, otherwise wouldn't he be an embarrassment walking beside him?

Leon did not know of this of course and simply blushed due to this first gift. "Th-Thank you," he said softly, with a shy smile.