Chapter One Hundred And Eighty Two - Sun thinks it’s a coincidence

A few days after his accident, Sun returned to the Healer's Hall in order that the Healer could check his condition. Actually, Healer's tended not to require students to have check ups following illnesses nor accidents, unless there were special circumstances. Sun's circumstances were not special, but the Healer summoned him anyway. He was hoping to learn more about the mysterious pills the young Master had been fed by Corvus that day. And as he suspected, Corvus did accompany his young student; in fact, he carried Sun in despite protests.

"I can walk!"

"But your injury..."

"Is completely healed! Let me down, old man!" Sun huffed and even spit out the name in insult. Not that Corvus noticed. He merely plonked the boy down upon the bed, then proceeded to ruffle his head, causing strands of his silken, brown hair to come loose and messy.

The boy tried to capture those strands, brushing them back with his hands before unknotting the tie thong he'd worn this morning. It was stolen from his fingers by his Teacher, who decided to rectify the mess he'd created.

In the meantime, the Healer approached and pointed at Sun's covered legs. "May I?" Sun nodded and the Healer pulled off his boot and lifted the silk of his trousers to examine the slightly pink, but well healed flesh of the boy's leg. "It appears that there won't even be a scar," The Healer declared in delighted wonder.

"Getting a scar, not getting a scar," Sun snorted, as he sat there, arms crossed like a petulant and arrogant young master in front of his personal servants, "it's all the same for a man!"

Corvus grinned and agreed with an indulgent; "En."

"Still, the healing would likely have not been so complete were it not for that mysterious pill of yours," The Healer reminded Corvus. Indeed, were the pill just a normal one heart Pill, the tissue likely would have sealed, but the healing would be weak, prone to tearing were the boy not careful. He would have needed more pills to help aid the healing, leading to a build up in internal impurities. And the likelihood of a scar much greater. Like the boy said, having scars was not the end of the world for a boy, but that did not mean that scar tissue was not without its own problems. Fresh scars tended to be itchy, old scars tended to be stiff and drawn and the larger the scar the more apparent this was. And the fortunate Sun would bare none of these problems and was also upon his feet far sooner than the Healer would have ordinarily predicted... or at least that would be the case if not for the overbearing Teacher beside him. "You must recall where you found that pill, Corvus!" The Healer urged.

Corvus dismissed his demand with a wave of his hand.

After convincing the older man that he really did not need to be carried back to the Martial Arts school, the Teacher and Student duo left the Healer's Hall to not-hurry back. Sun would not let himself be carried, so Corvus insisted that they 'take it easy'. Sun rolled his eyes at him and jogged lightly with Corvus leisurely doing the same beside him.

"What was all that about?" Sun asked curiously as they approached the expanse of bridges, those that lead to the various mountain scapes the institute was spread across.

"Hmm?" Corvus questioned, lazily.

"What the Healer said about pills."

"Oh, it's nothing much," Corvus replied, "just that after your accident, I fed you a One heart pill that turned out to be a bit more effective that usual. That old Healer is just getting his panties in a twist about it."

Sun knew this much already; his leg had been scratched by that Dire Fox Bear before they'd both fallen from the high branches of the tree. His wind powers had helped save his life, but the beast had turned into a meat pancake. He'd fallen unconscious from the pain of the fall and his leg. So naturally, the first thing Corvus had done on finding him was to feed him a pill in order to stabilise his life.

"Were my injuries really that bad?" Being unconscious before he could examine the wound personally, he'd just assumed it wasn't really that big a deal and that Corvus was on some guilt trip, hence his insistence on carrying Sun around like a fragile princess. He'd resented that! Still, if the wounds had been worse than he'd thought...

"That Fox Bear had sliced into your flesh deep enough that just a half nail more and the bone would have been visible," Corvus answered him, honestly. Sun shuddered. Martial Artists were somewhat used to blood and injuries, but to know his leg had been hurt so badly could still shake him a bit.

"I wonder where that pill came from then," Sun wondered aloud.

"Who knows," Corvus shrugged. Sun sighed inwardly. He was aware that one heart Pills were a silver a dozen, worth very little and extremely common. They were available in pill shops throughout the common and cultivation worlds. Sun recalled that Leon had even traded them during the Five School Market Festival in those Jade bottles with cute, carved labels.

Ha ha! He thought. Wouldn't it be something if that miracle pill had been something Leon made! Then he could understand why Jin Li thought the alchemist worthy to stand by his side! But that would be too much of a coincidence... right?