Chapter One Hundred And Eighty Four - I am deflowered

Jin Li was not one to wait nor to speak sweet nothings. He did not pause as he stripped Leon of his robes as well as discarding his own, before pressing his naked body onto the expanse of pale skin beneath him. His lips were scolding as they moved over Leon's, his tongue devouring as it invaded Leon's mouth and led the other's pink appendage in dance. He cared not that his hair was still damp, occasionally dripping water onto the bed or trickling over their skins. The heat from their mutually lusting bodies would soon dry those patches, before the glistening sweat that would begin to coat them dampened them again.

Jin Li's hands began to wander where they will. First stroking down the pale skin, delighting in the texture of it, the smoothness over otherwise simple plains. The softness of the untrained body with a lightly curved stomach rather than a hard and flat one, the narrow hips and slender legs that still allowed him to easily nestle between and the cute appendage that spoke of desire pressing against his own body. His own was no less hard nor demanding and since Leon had taught him the pleasures of the flesh, he no longer saw it as an annoying separate entity needing to be suppressed. That wasn't to say he fully accepted his body's will over his mind, just that he did not mind appeasing its wantonness in the willing embrace of his small alchemist.

Leon mewled and moaned into Jin Li's mouth as those touches left trails of fire along his skin. Occasionally they would be cooled by trickles of water, leading to a whole new level of sensitivity before the fires started once more. At that moment, Jin Li's attention was upon the two blush points upon his otherwise flat chest. The younger man seemed to find them fascinating since the first time he'd discovered them, for to touch them at first, was to touch the finest silk and then they would pebble into two beaded points beneath his fingers. More interesting was the symphony of sounds that echoed from Leon's throat as he stroked and pinched them. He'd even tasted them with his tongue causing his small alchemist to arch his back suddenly as he'd spilled his seed in between their bodies.

This time, though, he did not play with them until Leon found release, instead he lifted his body off of Leon's before using his hands to press their members together and stroking the hardened appendages in mutual pleasure. Leon succumbed first and fell lax upon the bed as his essence painting his stomach. The alchemist panted heavily for several breaths as he sought to regain his focus and finally his dazed eyes settled upon Jin Li, who had not yet found his release. In fact, he was ignoring that clearly throbbing part for some reason.

"D-do you want m-me to help you?" Leon asked, a blush forming on his cheeks. He had not taken any lead in the bedroom matters since that first time, Jin Li being quite forceful and demanding in his explorations and need to press Leon down. Jin Li shook his head slightly as he lifted one of Leon's boneless legs to rest upon his shoulder as his fingers trailed beneath the silken jewels of Leon's body and to that hidden place. Leon's heart began to race at speed as he felt that finger prod lightly at the chrysanthemum bud as yet still haven't felt pain and bliss of deflowering. He began to tremble as he thought about what this action of Jin Li's meant. Had his man become more learned?

And suddenly Jin Li frowned and shook his head once more. "I still do not understand how it could be possible."

"What d-do you m-mean?" Leon asked him.

Jin Li was ever honest in his blunt manner; "I obtained a book for dual cultivation, it stated that two men might make a connection using this opening. But it is obviously a lie, such could never accept this Lord, it is too tiny."

Leon translated what he could within his mind before flushing a bright red. "It is p-possible," he whispered, his eyes closed tightly as if he couldn't face Jin Li when explaining.

"How?" Jin Li demanded to know. Leon's face became even more crimson as he stuttered out an explanation as best he could and it also suddenly occurred to him why Ursam would gift Jin Li a bottle of scented oil, it was probably for this! That pervert! Jin Li retrieved said bottle and poured a generous amount of oil into his hand before rubbing it over his fingers with some interest. A faint scent of orchids filled the air, mixing with the ambiguous taint of sweat and yang essence. Jin Li glanced down at the closed chrysanthemum and his glistening fingers moved to that place and the first finger was pressed inside.

Leon could not suppress the groan that escaped him as the foreign object entered his untouched place and began to leave its mark. His mind could not quite fathom it; was this really happening? Was Jin Li actually willing to take this final step with him? Was he not disgusted by what was involved when two men wished to have sex with each other? Clearly not as the second finger joined the first, stroking and scissoring and subduing the usually tight muscle into obeying Jin Li's will. Leon couldn't say that it didn't hurt, but it was not unbearable and he did not want Jin Li to stop either. He wanted, needed this connection, to have Jin Li completely claim him as his. Not that he did not trust Jin Li, but he worried that one day Jin Li would not be satisfied with what he'd experienced with his small alchemist and leave him. His heart had already been given to the man, he was ready to give him his body as well.

The three fingers widening him suddenly were removed leaving a gaping hole and an empty sensation that heightened the passing worries in his heart, however Jin Li pressed down upon him, pushing in the thick, hard member into that waiting space. Leon cried out! It hurt! Tears leaked from his eyes in protest, but Jin Li did not stop until he was completely seated deep within his small lover. And he didn't pause for long either, the sensation of being within the tight, dry warmth were too beyond anything they had shared before. Jin Li could not stop himself from moving and experiencing the friction pressing along his flesh.

He only paused once he saw the trails of water spilling down Leon's cheeks. "This is hurting you," he realised with some guilt. Of course, how could it be normal to press an object of his girth into such a tiny place.

"It hurts," Leon admitted. "B-but d-don't stop. I want this t-too." This last part was whispered and Leon felt Jin Li's lips press against his eyelids and cheeks before the man began to move once more. The thrusting did not last much longer, Jin Li was still an inexperienced youth at the end of the day and just as Leon felt that the pain was easing away did he feel as if his lower body became filled with heat. Leon couldn't help but smile, his face filled with blush and he kissed the man who collapsed on top of him affectionately. The deed was done and Leon was completely content.