Chapter Eleven - We meet the Matriarch

As fore-mentioned, the family palace was large and could be divided into six parts - not including second and third rank servants quarters, gardens, stables and training grounds - one part for each family branch and one part for the patriarch and matriarch.  These could further be divided into 'outer' and 'inner' courtyards adding a separation between the men and women of the family and tucking away concubines from outsider's eyes.  Leon would never be able to understand the patriarchal tendencies to keep harems; being both gay and brought up in a world that tends to favour monogamy.  Besides that, one Jin Li was enough.

Generally, the branches of the family were not too close, despite the five sons of the general being blood brothers, the old man had no concubines.  So unless the matriarch wished it, meals were usually taken within their own sections or even alone in their own courtyards.  However, during celebrations, birthdays, festivals and so on, the family would head to the large dining hall located between the patriarch and matriarch's courtyards where the matriarch's maids would serve their mistress and mistress' descendants all sorts of delicacies, chosen by the old woman herself.

Leon glanced down at his chopsticks with slight apprehension; despite practicing over the past half-year, he was inelegant and clumsy with chopsticks and favoured a spoon whenever it became too tricky.  Fortunately, they were not placed too close to the General, tucked in between Jin Li, who sat beside Mond and Sun.  Due to their presence, the women were at a table opposite but separated by screens, so his poor manners would not be witnessed by them either.

Once the meal was finished and even Jin Li had reluctantly placed down his chopsticks so not to seem rude now the elders at the head table had finished eating their fill, the screens were removed and the numerous girls, as old as sixteen and as young as six, had eyes that swept over the table, settling upon the unknown faces seated there.  A few of the older girls suddenly became shy, their powdered cheeks failing to hide the slight blush rising in their cheeks and their sight cast down at the table or coyly continuing to stare through long lashes.  The youngest girls had no such reserve, their eyes wide open as they examined the strangers.  The one known as Carmen acted as a younger child, despite being one of the older ones, however her expression held intense interest as her eyes remained fully upon the taller youth opposite them.  The women seated between them sent warning glances to each and every girl.  Not all noticed.

Beside the general sat an elder woman, her hair heavy with silver and decorated with pearls.  The lines of her face did not detract from her face and it could be seen that while she may not have been a great beauty in her youth, she would have been someone who seemed sharp and intelligent.  Thus her age actually enhanced this appearance, while also adding a mature elegance and poise that she possibly lacked in her past.  She wore silks of navy blue, embroidered with cranes and clouds and a soft fur draped over her shoulders.  With a slight cough, her throat was cleared and as if warned by some sort of signal, all of the girls stopped staring and all turned their attention to the woman. 

She nodded with approval at her granddaughters, before turning her attention to the grandson she had not seen in several moons. "Sun," her expression was stern and there was not really much affection in her eyes, but her tone was still soft. "Your grandfather has advised me that you have made some advancements within the Ascending Mountain Institute."

"Yes, grandmother," Sun replied, but didn't embellish.

"That is good news," she said, agreeably. "However, do not get complacent. You must continue to work hard and bring honour to your father and grandfather and ultimately, this family."

"Yes, grandmother."

The woman gave a curt nod, yet her lips did not curve in the slightest. In all honesty, she wasn't fond of this grandchild. In both build and personality, he was much too like his mother and that woman was not one that she had chosen for his father to wed. This matter had caused a rift between mother and her son, who up until this point, had been obedient and agreeable. She had wanted him to marry her cousin's daughter and her son had defied her and brought home Sun's mother to wed.

The older woman had then widened the rift in her ire, marrying to him a Concubine who in the end only bore him daughters. This impulsive action of hers, she did regret. Especially when her second daughter-in-law finally gave birth to Mond, who grew into a strong and handsome youth much like his father had been. Bearing a second son had cemented her daughter-in-law's place in her son's heart and home, but this child reminded his grandmother too much of the past. Not only that, he was once the apple of his grandfather's eye making him even more displeasing to her own, thus when he gradually formed into a disappointment, she had turned a blind eye to the bullying in her own backyard.

The general's wife knew that she was being petty, but when one has made a mistake, refuses to admit it and allows it to fester for a prolonged period of time, it became a splinter buried beneath layers of skin and the wound created by digging it out was too painful to bear, even if the healing of it would bring benefits to all. She was old now, her looks had faded, her skin was no longer smooth and unmarked and she could no longer eat as she pleased, nor wear the bright colours she favoured. So her pride and self-respect were even more important to her than mending the rift she had a hand in causing.

Still, it seemed, as little as she understood it from a mortal's point of view, that her grandchild had not let her down at this school for Cultivators, so she would offer praise even if her heart wasn't really feeling it.

Her eyes glanced towards the youths seated beside him and his brother. As they had been invited by the grandson she did not love, she was predisposed to dislike them, however seeing Jin Li's poise, his straight spine and nearly regal posture, she was reminded of times in her youth visiting the eastern Kings' palaces for banquets and celebrations. Her first love had been the already married second Prince, whose aura had been not unlike this young man. She felt a little wistful as she spoke; "And I see that we have guests this evening."

"Yes grandmother," Sun's tone brightened and not unnoticeably. "These two are my friends from the Institute. Jin Li, who is my roommate in the inner school of Martial Arts and Leon, who is studying alchemy!"

Jin Li stood up, cupped his hands and bowed, offering his respects to the elderly woman. Leon was quick to follow suit. "This one in thankful to old Madam for her hospitality and allowing this one and this one's alchemist to stay within the walls of your home." Sun's grandmother felt a slight heat in her cheeks, nodding to herself that this youth had much the bearing of the late Second Prince. If it were not for the fact that their appearance was very unlike, she might have even suspected his origins. Even amongst his brothers, nephews and own sons, Second Prince had a unique temperament and aura that few could emulate, especially to such a natural degree.

"No need for thanks," the matriarch offered a small, but genuine smile, indicating with a gesture that they should return to their seats. "You both are most welcomed." She turned to her Second son's firstborn son and asked; "What arrangements have been made for their stay?"

"This grandson has cleared space in Sun's study, as requested by sixth brother," Mond replied.

The woman frowned, disapprovingly. "Nonsense. Are there no guest courtyards in your palace? How can such distinguished guests stay in a study room?" Actually, she had heard mention of this, but had not concerned herself with it before. Hearts change as well as thoughts on first meetings.

"This grandson was negligent," Mond was flexible enough to bend in the direction of the changing winds. "This grandson will of course have the guest courtyard arranged for Sun's friends."

"Thanking old Madam," Jin Li's face remained stoic, but his eyes deepened with an unexplainable satisfaction. At least, others could not explain it, Leon was far more attuned to his mind and began to blush.