Chapter Eighteen - Just who is Jin Li?

Her mother-in-law's words had been along the lines of; "Find out from young Sun the family background of the young master Jin Li."

Actually, it was not just Sun's grandmother who wished to know this; the one who had instigated her was curious as well, but to that one's mind, so long as Jin Li was not a poor peasant or a good-for-nothing, what did his background matter? He could always marry into their family and be added to their genealogy should his background not be equal nor better than theirs!

There was also General Ramas, but that wily old fox was not just interested in the family background of Jin Li, he also wished to know about his ability as a Martial Artist. That and he did not rule out Leon from his investigations, as he was sure that there was more to that boy than met the eye.

Sun left his mother's courtyard in a bit of a daze thinking; actually what did he know about Jin Li?  He'd vaguely mentioned in passing that his immediate family consisted of his father and mother, two brothers and himself.  There seemed to be no concubines nor shu siblings included in the family, as far as his knowledge went, but then he did not know whether those brothers descended from the same mother either.  Jin Li had mentioned that his mother was a tough one, a Martial Artist in her own right by the sounds of things, so he couldn't quite picture her as being a concubine or wife that would put up with other women in the background... but what did he know what was within a woman's mind. 

Oh... but wasn't there an Uncle too...

As for everything else, he met Jin Li on the day they were assigned rooms.  Jin Li didn't talk much about himself... or anything else at all really.  He never even knew that Jin Li had an acquaintance in Leon until the alchemist first appeared before him.  He felt shamefaced recalling that he thought the older youth was Jin Li's servant at the time, but then, wasn't that what Jin Li had told him...

After that, Jin Li would disappear often to visit Leon and leave him behind. Jin Li randomly took him on missions for points, but then spent those points on Leon. Jin Li bossed both he and Leon about, yet if anything happened to Leon, Jin Li would take care of him. Sun began to pout. He never took care of me, though. A sigh escaped him in the next moment as he supposed that was the difference between a friend and a boyfriend.

Other than that, he realised that he really didn't know anything about Jin Li, his past, where he came from or anything before they enrolled in school. He wondered vaguely why he'd never asked, before shrugging. It was not as though Jin Li was the approachable type prone to sharing, it was probably due to his cold, aloof aura that prevented him from asking.

He conveniently forgot the background he'd originally imagined for Jin Li back when he'd first had stars in his eyes after meeting the 'heroic' Jin Li and then becoming roommates with him, which became so ideal to him that it never occurred to him to ask for the truth.

Flakes of snow fell upon his nose and the chilly breeze awoke him from his musings and he hurried back to his courtyard to warm up by a coal brazier. He then sent one servant to go to the guest courtyard where Jin Li and Leon resided to ask them whether they wanted to join him for the evening meal and called to another to draw him hot water for a bath.

The first servant returned while he was soaking in the warm waters, thinking that it was a pity that he hadn't added Leon's bath salts to saturate his meridians and improve the movements of his spirit energy through them.  The small jar that Leon had gifted him was running low and he'd decided to use it sparingly for now as Leon wouldn't be able to make a new batch until late spring. That servant had to say that young masters Jin Li and Leon had not yet returned and so he had left a message with the servants assigned there.  This caused Sun to pout once more thinking that the pair were off having fun without him again and his bath no longer felt satisfying, so he got out of it.  He dismissed the servant who attempted to help him dry and dress, having now the habit of performing these small tasks himself, but he did allow the man to comb and pin up his wealth of brown hair.

Once more soothed, the message came that Jin Li and Leon would indeed join him for the meal. Sun became cheerful once more and sent someone to put in a request for dishes for the three to be sent to his courtyard at a later hour.

The Martial Artist and his alchemist were completely unaware that their friend had spent much of the day in contemplation about them. This pair had not returned for long, but would have returned sooner had they not been delayed by an obstacle of the female persuasion.  After entering the reception room, the servant had relayed the message and received in return; "Yes, whatever," From Jin Li, along with; "prepare hot water for this Lord and one's alchemist's bath."

The servant bowed in acquiescence before coming to the conclusion that the words included an affirmative to Sun's invitation and sent a return message accordingly before helping his colleagues in heating water.

A short while later, two bodies squeezed into one tub, despite the small alchemist protesting that they would not fit together and the tall Martial Artist insisting on proving otherwise, their bodies warming in the water and removing the remnant chill.  Leon lie with his back upon Jin Li's chest and nestled between Jin Li's legs, fully aware of every part of his body in between, but his reddening skin could well be explained by the heat of the steamy water so he pretended not to be embarrassed by this.  He turned his head, blinking as he tried to bring Jin Li's smugly contented face into some focus, before saying aloud; "I w-wonder what was w-with that g-girl."

"What girl?"  As usual, Jin Li's quirk of failing to recall those he had no interest with reared its head, despite that encounter being no longer than the burning of two incense sticks ago.

Leon did remember that the girl he spoke of was called Carmen, a lady of the palace so naturally one of Sun's numerous cousins.  As they had come through the garden of canals, heading towards the specific moon gate that happened to lead more directly in the section of the palace which belonged to the second family, the girl had been kneeling there.  It appeared that she was examining a garden herb, Leon had happened to recognise and knew flowered in winter.  The bloom had budded, but it was not time for it to reveal its inner beauty.

She, who was accompanied by two maids, had seen them and had risen to her feet quite elegantly, before bending her knees a little in crusty to greet them.  Leon had made to bow back with cupped hands, but Jin Li had just nodded a bit, making his small alchemist feel a bit awkward.  The girl had said nothing about their return greetings, just smiled, her eyes directed unsurprisingly at Jin Li and began; "This humble maid was just admiring the flowers and wasn't expecting that one might cross paths with you, sir.  But I am glad of this chance to properly thank you."

Jin Li had remained silent, raising his brows, but Leon had known from experience that he was a bit irritated.  Leon hadn't been feeling much different, he was cold and wanted to get back to their courtyard in order to warm his exposed hands and face.  But the girl had remained still standing there with her affectionate smile and expectant expression.  She hadn't seem the least bit bothered by the lack of conversation, patiently waiting for Jin Li to proceed with the next sentence.  In the end, his teeth chattering, Leon had blurted out; "W-we have d-done n-n-nothing that r-requires thanks, M-m-miss."

The Martial Artist looked around sharply at the other, causing a certain miss to make assumptions that leaned towards reprimands, making her somewhat satisfied and completely missing the fact that she'd upset the tall youth more.  His small alchemist was suffering.

"Indeed," Jin Li had agreed with him.  "This Lord has done nothing that warrants thanks from you."

"So humble," one of the personal maids had murmured to her young Miss, completely missing the hidden meaning in his words.

"But of course, this Sir is joking," Carmen had laughed, softly, her practiced giggle like pure silver bells chiming in harmony.  "My dear cousin has returned with studious merit, delighting my grandfather with his achievements and found ability.  You say that you have nothing to do with fifth brother's improved cultivation and skill?"  Leon had been confused by the terms, what studious merit, what achievements?  Was she talking about the points he earned?  But then, how would she know?

"Sun's achievements have nothing to do with this Lord," Jin Li had sneered.  "But was all his own hard work and the teachings of Institute.  If you wish to offer praise, try redirecting your words, this Lord can't accept them." He had then grabbed Leon's wrist and they had left the girl and her maids behind.

Leon shook his head, the bath water rippling with the motions his body made, but a smile came unbidden to his lips.  It fell away a moment later as wandering hands wandered too far.  "J-Jin Li, ah! We're m-meant to visit Sun for d-d-dinner!"


Fortunately, the dishes were not cold when the pair finally arrived at Sun's courtyard later that evening.