Chapter Forty Three - Pike comes to propose

Wu Ye and Li Ming tucked into a bowl of thick meat porridge, the steam pouring off of the concoction fed to the predators of the stables before dissipating into the air, while Leon talked to the beast taming senior about getting a supply of meat and oats in order to feed the pair for the next few weeks.  They also discussed the best care for the growing pair for while Leon knew somethings, this subject really wasn't his forte. 

Coeurl did not tend to hibernate through winter, though it's not that they don't hibernate at all, for like Cultivators and other spiritual beasts, they had moments they needed to hide from the external world in order to lick their wounds or securely birth their cubs or even evolve.  They were not very active creatures unless hunting or defending their territories and then they would pour all of their energies into the task.  As tamed Coeurl often did not need to hunt or fight, they needed bursts of exercise in other ways.  However, Wu Ye had had the best of both worlds; it hunted with Jin Li and was expected to defend their territory, so Leon hadn't bothered about these things for it before. 

As for Li Ming, the Coeurl was honestly turning into a pet and needed its lazy habits broken or it would not make a useful companion for Leon in the future.  If this world was as peaceful as his previous one could be, this would not be an issue, but Leon could not afford Li Ming to be an overgrown, fat and overly indulged kitten here.

Just look at Maimai's Piku.  It was a beast of burden that couldn't travel far for its owner nor carry heavy loads.  It was fortunate that Maimai rarely travelled far and did not weigh much at all.

The senior left Leon alone to think about what to do about training Li Ming and helping Wu Ye stay healthy and Maimai returned after (over) feeding her beloved Baku.  Li Ming had filled its small stomach and yawned drowsily, while Wu Ye licked its muzzle before running its long tongue over Li Ming's face and shaping its remnant fur into a Mohawk.  The adolescent beast yowled angrily before extending its clawed paws in protest.  Wu Ye simply got up and headed out of the stables.

"Wait!" Leon yelled after it, lifting the tied together small sacks, one containing mixed grain and the other chunks of miscellaneous meat.  They didn't appear to be large, as they were actually really cheap interspatial bags, but their capacity was only as much as the purse upon his belt and the overall weight was only so much reduced.  Wu Ye expressed his disdain, but aware that these were for itself and the little one, it allowed its Human's mate to drape the sacks over its neck.  It was not going to allow the youth to ride upon it anymore, though.

As Leon took the care to make sure Wu Ye's neck was not chafed by the rope between the sacks, a muscular young man with unusually short hair, appeared hurriedly in front of them.  His eyes were brimming with a strange glee and not a small amount of smugness.  "Leon, I finally found you!"  His eyes darted about, before a grin stretched upon his face.  "Has anyone asked you to join their team for the Interschool exchange?"  The alchemist frowned slightly, but shook his head.  "Great!  Then join my team!"

"Wha-what?" Leon starred at Pike open mouthed.  He was just a small alchemist of the outer school who created mostly common pills, why would the senior Martial Artist ask him?  Actually, he had thought that there were so many talents in the inner school that he and his schoolmates were unlikely to be asked.

Maimai squealed cheerfully as she squeezed his arm, expressing her happiness for him.  While this wasn't a serious event, it was still great to be asked, it meant that you had been acknowledged for your craft by the top students in school.  She was a first year, couldn't join in, but she knew that a few of the Sect still in the Institute looked forward to this event every year.

Suddenly, there was a rush of air as Bowyer appeared from the trees, running towards them as quickly as Pike had.  "Dammit!" Bowyer cursed as he noticed Pike happened to be here, before he glanced at the bewildered alchemist.  "You haven't said yes yet right?"


"What's it to you?" Pike crossed his arms about his broad chest as he glared at the other man.  "The deal was whoever found Leon first had the right to ask him to join their team first, not that the other could cut in and try steal him away!"

"But you cheated!" Bowyer accused him.  "You told Pria where to find me and had the girl block me before you darted away!"

"I was just helping you discover spring," Pike grinned with a sly smile.  Bowyer's cheeks reddened from more than exertion, while Maimai tilted her small head, her almond eyes narrowing in thought.  The curls from her hair cascaded down the side of her face as they came lose of her pins. 

"What spring?  I need no spring!" Bowyer flung his arms outwards, but the thin cuffs of his arms lacked the impact of his looser robes.  "Worry about your own spring in future!"

Leon sneezed.

The two young men stopped their arguing to realising that the small alchemist had not the strength of body to resist the persistent cold of the air and apologised, asking him if he was alright.  He nodded; "I'm okay.  J-just cold."

"I think that we should go back to Leon's and boil water for tea," Maimai suggested, "talk about things there." She curled her arm about her bestfriend's while not taking her eyes off of the potential she saw before her.  Could it be a muscular shou with a tough exterior and soft heart versus a tall, flexible gong with a straightforward, persistent nature or a dominant gong versus a hot-headed shou that could easily be brought to tears.  It was a good job it was winter and cold enough to cool her blood or she wouldn't have enough silk handkerchiefs to endure!

Pike agreed to tea, while Bowyer stalled, uncomfortable beneath the pretty girl's stare.  Neither had actually met Maimai before, their paths just had not the fate to cross before, but thanks to Sun's description, they could figure out who she was.  They made their way back towards Leon's home, guided by the two alchemists, but soon began to bicker once more. 

"Since you have Leon on your team," Bowyer pointed out, "You should let me ask Cynus first!"

"Oh good luck with that," Pike gave him a knowing look and smirk, making the other narrow his eyes in response.

"What do you know?" Bowyer questioned him, then narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Wait, you've managed to get him onto your team?" Pike shook his head in denial, allowing Bowyer to exhale in relief. However, that was premature.

"He'll be joining Mute's team," Pike had predicted this some time ago. "He is a Cygnus after all." This gave Bowyer pause.

"He is? But isn't he a scholar?"

"I'm curious," Maimai piped up from in front, glancing over her shoulder. Her honest inquisitiveness made Bowyer wonder if the intensely calculating expression of hers before was his illusion. "Who are these seniors? The Cygnus is a clan which focuses on magic isn't it?"

Pike gave her a small smile and nodded, unsurprised by her general knowledge. She was the daughter of a sect leader after all, it would be ignorant of her if she did not know the large clans and sects in their continent. "Mute is the number one Mage of the inner school of Magery. As such, she has to form her own team for the exchange, but it's tradition for clans to chose their own above others first. There are a few Mage from the clan to pick from, but I predict she'll chose Tundras, who is currently sixtieth in the Standings. Cynus is a rare non-Mage in the clan, but his talent is really high in the inner scholar school. There is no way she'll let him join some other team considering their relationship."

"I'm still going to ask," Bowyer insisted.

"Stubborn," Pike shaking his head due to his friend's poor luck this time. As for Leon, he knew the small alchemist wouldn't be able say no to joining his team. He'd concluded already that Leon would be expected to take part as a direct student if asked and not only that, the youth was a core student like himself. His refusal or avoidance wouldn't be allowed by anyone this year.