Chapter Fifty Five - He is supporting me?

Back in the Ascending Mountain Institute, within the sheltered heights of a particular mountain with no road and the connective buildings that dominated the space and within one of the small, student dorms that contained two single cot-beds, something stirred beneath a mound of woollen blankets and warm furs.  Eventually, those blankets were peeled back to reveal a head of long brown hair, which was covered both back and face to the point that the person beneath could not be identified.  A loud yawn escaped from the person, the head of whom tilted back a tad before snapping back to its previous position and the blankets were tossed aside to reveal two pale, white feet peering out from the bedclothes worn.  Those feet then moved to firmly plant themselves into an awaiting pair of fur-lined slippers and the person shuffled out of bed and towards an enchanted bowl that kept warmed water from losing heat.  As the person did so, they swept back the unruly lengths of hair with practised ease until the hair formed a long tail upon their head and their face was finally revealed.

Sun glanced down at his reflection in the water before taking a towel to dampen that he might freshen his face and send far away the remnants of sleep.  He shivered briefly as he stripped out of his sleeping clothes, washed sparsely with the hot water then quickly threw on a fresh set of robes with a sigh.  He adjusted the embroidered sleeves before a thought came to him and he rushed out of his dorm room in the next heartbeat.

Less than a minute later, he rushed back in to change out of his slippers into his boots.

Despite the early hour, the Food Hall was already filled with students and all were gossiping loudly.

"Ah, Ari left his group behind again."

"Ashton must be used to Ari's behaviour by now; its always him who leads Ari's group while Ari seeks hunting trophies for them."

"Give Luna her dues, she always manages to rally good troops. They should place high!"

"I thought Bowyer was crazy for choosing Borean as his sixth, being only recently placed on the innerschool standings, but I was wrong!"

Sun grinned inwardly, the infectiousness of the enthusiasm luring him in without effort. He almost skipped over to where the Aunts were serving hot food, while thinking about who to sit close to this morning. For so long, he'd usually break his fast with Jin Li, Bowyer and Pike close by, but with one in closed cultivation and the others taking part in the main challenge, he'd found it a little awkward at first in the Food Hall. Fortunately, many of the students had high levels of respect for Pike and Bowyer and would naturally take care of this recognised cute, little brother of theirs. It was especially much smoother without the indifferent ice cube, although the female martial artists did lament that the handsomeness factor without the three and other notable seniors, was somewhat lowered in the Food Hall now. The male martial artists still in attendance absolutely disagreed.

"Aunty, can I have the ginger and honey congee," he looked at the sweet porridge with anticipation before adding; "with peeled water chestnuts, please!"

The aunt looked down at the hungry face with sparkling eyes and the corners of her lips curved upward. There was nothing better, she felt, than seeing a young man with a healthy appetite and polite attitude. However, just before she went to serve him a slightly larger than normal serving, she noted the jade bracelet on his wrist, which served as a symbol of his identity as well as recorded his points and remembered something.

"Ah, Young Master! Your grandfather insisted that you attend him for breakfast this morning!"

Sun's face fell slightly. Didn't know where his grandfather got the information from, but despite he himself not being able to participate in the Interschool Exchange, the old man decided to come anyway... his reason; to support young Leon!

It had been five days since Leon followed Pike into the other Realm and in the afternoon of that first day, the General had shown up at school with this excuse. And he had not been alone either.

So Sun wandered out of the Food Hall hungry and headed to the guest quarters, where the General was being served breakfast by his servant. Obviously, guests of the school were not like students and could bring with them their own people, there was nothing wrong in this. The school, however, only provided so many rooms, thus most of the wealthy patrons would only bring in one or two per family member. There was also a separate area for dining with kitchens, just that the patrons would have to suffer company of other patrons, much like in a restaurant without private rooms.

A whole series of small savoury and spicy dishes covered the table where the General sat with Sun's big brother Mond and cousin Carmen. Yes, he wasn't sure how she managed to convince the General to bring her here, but he could fathom the reason of why. But Jin Li is still in closed cultivation, so she came in vain! This amused Sun immensely, made up a bit for her presence.

Carmen was indeed pitying herself; her beloved was so dedicated that he cultivated to this extent, yet in doing so, missed out on some quality time in which they might cultivate feelings, together. As each day dragged into the next, she felt more and more morose about it. The challenge that Jin Li's servant was participating in would only last another fifteen days and the institute's event would end after five days following that. What if her beloved did not come out of closed cultivation by then? Would she have to wait until enrolling in the summer to see him again?

While she sadly sat, fiddling with her chopsticks, Sun was glancing unhappily over the breakfast on offer. Ah, he really wanted to eat sweet congee this morning! He eventually picked at a bowl of sun dried tomatoes with garlic, adding them to a small bowl of rice. The family ate in silence, until three quarters full and the two servants then brought over bowls of scented water in which to clean their fingers as they finished. As the remnants were cleared away and the General instructed the servants to go get their own breakfasts, he then turned to Sun with slightly smiling eyes softening his otherwise stern expression.

"Your senior that heads the group in which young Leon is a part of," his grandfather mused, "he is quite capable. You said that you shared a friendship with this fellow?"

Sun smiled brightly and nodded, before adding aloud; "Yes! Both Senior Pike and Senior Bowyer take good care of me, also often give me pointers when sparring. Actually, there are many good Seniors here!"

"Good, good," the General said, approvingly. Since visiting the Institute, he had become increasingly pleased that his second son encouraged him to agree to his grandson attending here. Just the martial arts facilities alone were impressive, let alone the methods and teachings he'd encountered. The changes in his small grandson had already been evident, the youth had also made many beneficial connections and did not seem to be complacent about them, not seeming to distinguish between a commoner like Leon and a man of more noble blood as Jin Li appeared to be. (Of course, he was not aware of his grandson's initial behaviour and attitude towards the former, but even if he was, such had been long forgotten anyway).

If there was one slight complaint the General had, it would be the frivolous nature of his Teacher, Corvus. However, Ramas would not verbally state this, that Teacher did pay much attention to his grandson and also gave him many resources. Plus, his cultivation was much, much higher than his own, even with the miraculous and unexpected breakthrough he'd experienced of late.

That was right, the General had finally pierced the bottleneck into quaternary stage and formed his core!