Chapter Sixty One - Their eyes all reflect different things

The scene in which the revolutionary stone that sensed spiritual roots was captured by the mirror for only a few moments and also only a small portion of those watching the events of the challenge were able to witness it. For instance, the Mage and Beast Taming schools had currently been concentrating on scenes of teams lead by their own people, while the screenings available to the alchemy and scholars schools were divided equally over all teams through numerous smaller mirrors. Finding the one that revealed the happenings of Pike's team would be down to diligence or luck.

So despite the trepidation Leon might have had when the stone was thrust into his hands caused by the vague knowledge he had over his own root*, few actually bore witness and even fewer could guess what his root actually was. Even then, if they believed it was the waste 'star' root, they would not overthink it nor look into things deeper. Teacher Sagi was still somewhat discomforted, however and did not settle down until the Headmaster reassured him with a few written words in a quick note that evening.

Sun was also one who never overthought things when it came to Leon, his imagination was vast, but the protagonist, if not himself, had to be better in his view than himself and out of habit, he never viewed Leon as that. That's not to say that he did not respect Leon, he was Jin Li's person and had talent in alchemy after all. Just that first impressions are never easily erased once having taken root in the mind. At most, he had elevated Leon to being equal to himself.

Plus, there was a minor note of current discord in Sun's heart regarding Leon, one that the other would be completely unaware of.

"So what root does Leon have?" His grandfather questioned, his eyes puzzled as he recalled the white speckled black stone in Leon's hands. Could it be he had some sort of darkness root with light or illumination roots? These sort of conflicting roots were not good, but were not harmful to general cultivation. Sun quickly dissuaded his train of thought.

"Not sure, but I think it was a single body root," Sun replied, carelessly.

"Ho," an amused voice behind them sounded, causing Sun to glance over his shoulder. Oh, it was that Teacher Jian again. He was a strange one, his voice was melodic when giving lectures despite the topics being harsh and of a darker nature. He had introduced them so far to natural poisons from beasts and plants, telling them of many symptoms in a similar amused tone, before speaking of the antidotes. "This boy is quite an interesting one."

The General frowned, looking about to charge in strategic defence of his 'newly adopted grandson', but fell deflated when recognising the man. "You were the Prince Drake's guest that time."

"Indeed," the man's curved eyes that held ten thousand tales seemed out of place on his otherwise youthful face. "Nice to see you again, General Ramas. I apologise for my drunken rambling at that time."

"No matter," the general waved his hand in dismissal, before asking; "Is everything now well with your honoured self?" He didn't mention the grandson the man whose appearance was his junior, but temperament his senior, spoke of so not to cause accidental offence.

"This one has his health and fate has led me to this Institute, so life is also not bad," his lips widened in a slightly wicked smile, giving Sun a vague sense of familiarity as well as a notion that this man's smile held far more meaning than his words.

The three men turned back to watching the mirrors, but the scenes upon them had changed, causing a loss of interest. A quiet and scheming young Mademoiselle beside her cousin noticed this and took the opportunity to tug at Sun's sleeve. She was so bored! Several days like this already and more to come also, the thought was driving her mad!

"Brother," she offered a slight pout as she battered her long lashes. A few glances were pulled in her direction, giving her much satisfaction. To those 'rough' martial artists, she was like a gentle peach blossom floating upon the breeze into their midst, so unlike the thorny roses they had become accustomed to seeing. Naturally, they would be attracted!

If they had heard her inner monologue, they would have taken off any rose-coloured glasses they wore and dismissed her as one of those inner courtyard Gloriosa Lilies, which as beautiful as they were, to brush against would cause irritation, but to eat was pure poison.

"Brother, since it will be a shìchèn until brother Leon can be seen again," she said, softly, "would it not be possible for brother to take me around to see things while we wait?"

Sun frowned and tugged his sleeve from her fingers. "What things?"

She inwardly rolled her eyes, thinking her cousin was still so dim and could not take a hint. "What about your room or where you train? I want to see it!" Her eyes were pools liquid bronze reflecting innocence, while her tone was eager to flatter. Others would not see through it, such as her Grandfather, who nodded his head, glad his grandchildren could get along, while a handful pierced the illusion in one look and sneered.

Sun was of the latter. How often had he fallen for this girl's tricks and provocation in the past? And he, even if his grandfather had, not forgotten that his room was also Jin Li's room. Fair enough, his room mate was in closed cultivation in the mountains, but did not mean he should be so lax in diligence when it came to Jin Li's privacy. He voiced this out loud in a handful of words; "Not appropriate," he refused, "My room is not mine alone. It's wrong to bring a girl there, even if you are my sister."

"Grandson is right, my granddaughter," General Ramas agreed with him. "Seeing the training grounds is alright, though it's likely similar to back home," he mused upon this last point. Sun grasped this and nodded, sagely. He just didn't want to be Carmen's tour guide!

"How about this," Teacher Jian began to voice a suggestion, "it's not right to wander around the Institute randomly at this time, but there is always the town at the bottom of the mountain. Your brother could take you there to look." Sun sent an unhappy glare his way which just caused the man's eyes to curve into slender crescents, his amusement not hidden at all!

Teacher Jian was knowingly pushing him into this pit, Sun complained, silently. But why?!

Carmen was not as enthusiastic about exploring the town; just a poor place, what would it have that Cenapar City did not?! But still, it was better than sitting here and having to watch that servant traipse through forests and caves after that barbaric looking man and equally barbaric looking woman! It wasn't as if her beloved was participating! Her beloved wasn't even here!

Would Jin Li have entered closed cultivation had he known I was about to visit? She pondered in lament, thinking of the vision she'd excitedly had of him moved by her suffering the long journey on the giant Griffin, following her Grandfather into this expansive Institute where the food was plain and facilities no better. He should have taken her hands in his, asked for her well being and voiced affection; how glad he was that she was alright. He would have gently chided her for exhausting herself by travelling all this way, but have been secretly pleased nonetheless. And then, he would have continued to cheekily hold her hand while using the excuse of giving her a tour and she would have allowed it...

"Alright," Sun burst into her daydream with his grating voice. "But only for half a shìchèn!"