Chapter Sixty Five - He returns to find me

In the wake of the lightning strikes, after the remnant energy dissipated along the length and breadth of the barrier before disappearing completely, the stone covering of one sealed mountain cave began to move.  Rock against rock, the doorway rumbled low and loud, debris scattering as it uncovered the entrance allowing its occupant to leave the small space.  A tall figure with a bamboo like figure, both straight and strong, flexible and slender, stepped out of the cave, his gem black eyes blinking in the bright light, so different from the dim illumination within the cavern walls.  His eyes narrowed and his chin lifted adding arrogance to his already cold features, his body seemed to tense briefly before it moved so swiftly that it would seem to a casual observer to have simply vanished.

Only a few minutes later, that figure reappeared before a wall surrounding a lone property found upon the slight slope of one forested mountain side.  The man stepped through the gate in the wall at a seemingly sedate pace, but to one who understood this man better, they would notice a slightly agitated haste to his movement, as if he were actually in a hurry to reach his destination.

The courtyard within the wall was barren and silent and though in this season it was not wholly unexpected, it gave the man pause.  He lifted the line of his vision to where two metal pipes could be seen exiting two of the three linked buildings before him, before hurrying forward, this time without hiding his intent.  The door to the main building ahead was locked, but that was no barrier to the man; he revealed a key in hand in the next breath.  Unlocking the door, he entered the building, only to find that the silence he'd received in the courtyard continued within.  Those jet eyes narrowed once more and darted about to observe the little details; the fine layer of undisturbed dust, the cold stove to one side and neatly placed jars upon shelves, not one out of place.  An anger caused by unhappiness rose within the man's stomach as he continued his examination of the large and seemingly abandoned room.

Of course, it was not long before he noticed the note upon the low table at the centre of the room.

Taking part in the Interschool Exchange. Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon. The coeurl are in the main stables being cared for, please bring them back if I cannot do so first. Always yours, Leon.

The words were neat, cautious and timid, especially so with those in the last sentence. The man didn't take much note of this however, crumbling the note in his fist, his discontent evident. After a moment, his expressions became coldly calm again and he placed the note back on the table, unfurled and pressed out a few of the creases before leaving the house. He did not forget to lock the door.

Jin Li stood in the courtyard for a few moments, slightly lost in thought. He hadn't looked into this 'Interschool Exchange' thing before entering closed cultivation, there had been no need. First years could not involve themselves in it and he'd no interest regardless. In general, he brushed aside the fact that Leon was actually older than him and his senior in the Institute, especially when said senior was writhing underneath his body, trapped in his embrace upon their bed. His lips and eyes curled at the corners, forming a slight smile that could easily be mistaken as a smirk. That aside, due to his lack of knowledge regarding school matters, he had no idea where to find his errant lover. But he knew who might know that man's location.

She called herself 'Leon's best friend,' though Jin Li saw her partially as a nuisance. Still, she never interfered in the relationship between the lovers and she'd revealed that she could be useful at times, thus Jin Li never bothered to weaken the friendship between his man and that woman. He knew her small abode within the outer alchemist school was amongst the other domiciles of the school and that the wall surrounding her place had several patched holes, so he had no qualms about finding her. As it happened, she was easier to find than he thought.

She was not at her home, a neighbour suggested he try the stables as she was often found there these cold, winter days spoiling her Baku mount. As it happened, he noticed her as she was approaching the stables from the other side and she was not alone.

"Jin Li!" His name was called out in several tones, from question to exclamation, with simple recognition and greeting to ardent affection. Not that he recognised the loving note or rather he ignored it. After all, it didn't come from the one person he wanted to hear it from. His eyes scanned over the two vaguely familiar faces whose eyes gazed at him in the manner a virtuous predator might. He inwardly sneered in disgust, before acknowledging his room-mate in the martial arts school, Sun, lastly turning to Maimai, whom he wished to question.

"Where is he?"

Neither Maimai nor Sun actually needed to ask to who Jin Li was referring to, but before she could answer him, an enthusiastically warm voice called to him; "Jin Li, its been so long. This little sister rejoices to see you well."

His eyes narrowed, hiding the flicker of irritation within them, but Merylin fancied that she noticed it and gently voiced; "It's not surprising that Jin Li appears well. That fellow student has left closed cultivation, I presume it was successful as is natural."

The words were like a whisper in the dark while one is attempting to sleep peacefully, no more than a buzzing in the ear to ignore, so Jin Li did just this and proceeded to press Maimai for her answer. "Well?"

"Leon is in the Empyrean Shattered Isle Realm with Pike and a few others," she finally told him, inwardly giggling to herself as she noticed his expression darken. Ah, the gong is unhappy that his little shou is away! She so wanted to be a fly upon their wall when they reunited! "The schools have set up areas in which to view the teams participating in the challenge. I can take you to see, you'll find images of Leon amongst Pike's team there."

"Best go to the one set up in the arena of the Inner school," Sun mentioned, sagely. He'd already learned that the mirrors set up in the Outer alchemist school were not so good from Maimai's description of them. "We're heading back there anyway, my Grandfather is waiting for us there!"

Carmen offered Merylin a sly grin when Jin Li agreed to Sun's suggestion, however Merylin would not allow such a girl to gain the upper hand without any obstacles. "I hope you will allow us to accompany you," Merylin said, softly. "It is right for us to offer the Seniors our support."

As Jin Li did not deny her as he turned to head towards the Martial Arts schools, but did not make half a step forward before the girl with brown hair coquettishly enquired; "Will gongzi Jin Li not accompany us into the stables?" Her martial arts and endurance were not good enough to race back to the martial arts school on foot, but then she doubted the abilities of the other two girls as well.

Jin Li was about to form the rejection 'no,' when he recalled the note left behind by his lover. There was a slight softening around his dark eyes which led to another misinterpretation due to hopefulness and want. Well, seeing as he'd signed the note so satisfactorily, he'd bide by the request and pick up the two beasts from the stables. With this in mind, he joined the group of four without argument.