Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen - My recipe really isn’t worth this

"W-why are you h-here?" The soft stuttering passing though those pale lips hinted at what the three irrepressible youths believed; this persimmon was ready to pick. Look at him quavering before them!

As their sense of self inflated behind their large bodied guide, that person himself just sneered.  Stupid peasant, still couldn't speak properly, yet the Heavens were too kind to him, revealing their secrets on such an unworthy commoner rather than someone with excellent lineage like himself.  The Heavens were truly blind.

"Naturally isn't it because Laozi has unfinished business with you?!" Caprian replied, haughtily, attempting to thrust out his chins in what he believed was an imposing manner.  Leon failed to notice, seeming to seriously consider the other's words for a breath before shaking his head.

"N-no, I c-can't think of anything," he replied honestly, causing Tor, who'd slipped to one side ready to apologise to Leon at anytime for his part in bringing Caprian here at any moment, to chuckle behind his fist.  Caprian glared at him, causing him to stifle his chortles behind a fist while calming himself, threats regarding his family still hanging over his head like an executioner's axe.  In all honesty, Tor didn't believe that Caprian wouldn't take out his temper on his family the first moment he could in the future, but if he had at least time to warn them... after that, their fate was in their own hands.  He was powerless to do more for his mother and brother now.

Leon knew nothing about the undercurrents between Tor and his former Master, only understanding that Caprian was here to trouble him.  If it were in the past, Leon would believe that Caprian was here to steal his pills, but... would he still do that now that the witnesses had changed and were no longer his faithful paid followers.  His eyes couldn't help wander to Tor, seeing that he had once been amongst those people. However, even if he could not interpret the messages in Tor's eyes, he couldn't fail to know what Xiao Xiao's protective growls beside him (Leon) meant.

"Lowly born commoner dare argue with me?!" Caprian's face began to redden in anger and embarrassment. He gritted his teeth as he tried to compose himself wanting to howl and rage about how Leon was responsible for him being expelled and lets not forget to heap the payment owed for the beating he received by that tall martial artist's hand!

It did occur while he'd last been in the vicinity of the hovel... it suddenly occurred to him that that hovel was no longer the only building in this area. Had that martial artist moved here, building this courtyard beside the small hut in order to do so? But then, he didn't see him around... whatever! He was just one martial artist! Caprian now had at his back three of formidable students from his current school, two on the verge of breaking through to tertiary, while the third had long since breeched said level of cultivation! There was nothing to be concerned about!

He cleared his throat then continued to announce his intentions. "We all know what you did!" He insisted but added with the air of someone who felt as if they were being magnanimous; "I'm feeling generous today. You only need to offer me a small token of recompense, this time and I will consider us even!"

Leon frowned, not saying anything, feeling that not only the token Caprian wanted would not be small, it would likely wipe him out of inventory...

"Hand over the amended recipe for the Beast Calming Pill!"

... huh? "W-wait what?" It was then that he suddenly recalled the matter that Caprian was expelled for.  "Oh..."

That was it?  Not that he planned on giving it away just because Caprian demanded, but that particular pill, it was only a basic pill, learned by alchemists on the beginning of their journey in order to help tame weak beasts for beast tamers on the beginning of theirs... but despite everything, despite saving lives and it being a better overall product than its original, it's market value wasn't very high.  Weak beasts were weak beasts, they were numerous and plentiful, few cared in this world over the deaths of a percentage of them due to a pill, which was only needed by the weakest of tamers.  That and there were not few aspiring beast tamers that deemed these weakest of potential partners unworthy of their attentions; they'd much rather try for strong, rare or 'quality' beasts.

Regardless, the amended recipe had already been given to the Institute and Leon had even heard that there was a group of beast-loving inner school seniors currently using it's formula to help inspire them to improve others in this line of pills; the beast soothing and beast x pills.  Rumour had it that for the former, there had even been a few positive results...

"The b-b-beast calming p-pill recipe," Leon stumbled over the phonics that often caught him off guard as he tried to clarify, "that, the Institute already h-has it.  I g-g-gave it to..."

"Then hand over something of equal value," one of Caprian's ill-intended shadows suggested.  "Another new or amended alchemy recipe, perhaps?" 

The youth seemed brimming of much greater a level of arrogance than Caprian and the air of wealth.  The cut of the silks that lined his body were perfectly fitted to suit his height and shape and the simple embroidery was of an unfamiliar pattern, but the tiny stitches melded together to create seamless and flowing lines over the dark material.  The belt around his waist was decorated with drops of translucent jade and hints of pure yellow gold. Two long knives crossed the arch of his back while two shorter blades lay upon his hip, all sheathed in dark, metal.  His eyes were narrowed and although he was offering Leon a smile, it didn't appear the least bit amicable.  Leon couldn't prevent the shiver that trailed down his spine. 

He shook his head, attempting to reassure himself.  Although this person looked dangerous and strong, he felt that he wasn't anymore dangerous nor stronger than his lover.  But Leon also didn't wish to rely on Jin Li all of the time and although he knew he himself would never win against the three youths behind Caprian even if all three had their hands tied behind their backs, he hoped that he, at least, had the ability to reason with them.

It's a pity that in this world, shows of strength were what most used in anything resembling a negotiation in this world rather than words; whether they believed him when Leon told them that he had nothing that was of equal value (he really didn't, everything was worth much more than that one...) or not was irrelevant.  They were determined to take whatever valuables the 'soft persimmon' in front of them had.