Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen - I maybe prefer Jin Li’s ideal ending to this

Things got super awkward very fast. Only someone with low I.Q would fail to realise that if the 'small alchemist' was one of Teacher Sagi's students, then the 'outsiders' were likely to be from one of the other four schools. But whose idiot students would be so foolish as to bring down the face of their school within a couple of days of arriving? It wasn't that they didn't expect a few skirmishes, but clearly these 'outsiders' had picked a fight with the wrong party, else why would this Martial Artist be threatening to toss them off of a cliff? Could it be that they were wrong? That the 'outsiders' really were 'outsiders'? Despite knowing this possibility was slim (the barriers around the Institute weren't impenetrable, but they weren't to be sniffed at either), the four Teacher's practically held their breathes as the tall, young Martial Artist guided Teacher Sagi, Vine and them to a hidden property upon the wooded slope of the mountain.

Three expelled their breathes with relief. One could only fume silently, his face reddening in anger. He touched the small plate upon his waist that would record things for their school's Headmaster.

Xiang Lim finally stepped forward in order to take responsibility for these students. "This one let fellow Teachers see a joke. These boys are known for their potential and having bright futures and surely wouldn't throw all of that away by attacking the Institutes' students without reason... would you?"

The four youths no longer appeared like arrogant gongzi's, with bits of straw in their hair from the Couerls bedding and their silken clothes crumbled and dusty. They were standing in front of the Teachers sullenly, but not a word passed through their lips... although Caprian did appear as if he would explode if he didn't expel his grievances, however the other three had threatened him with some unpleasant experiences should he blab. Caprian felt he'd suffered so much and so badly since leaving the shelter of his House! It wasn't fair! He glared at Leon with daggers in his eyes as if blaming all of his misfortunes on the other.

"I said," Teacher Xiang spoke through gritted teeth, "I want an explanation."

The three youths glanced at each other and also at Caprian, who didn't notice as he was busy tormenting Leon in his imagination. Finally one of the two martial artists stepped forward with some words; "It's like this. Caprian claimed that he would be able to supply us with a good amount of useful pills and potions... that the student here would happily give him anything that he asked for. It would have been fine just to refuse us, but that guy," he pointed to the blood covered Tor, "instigated trouble and they both set their ferocious beasts upon us! And if that wasn't enough this other person..." just the incredulous snort from said other person made him alter the words he was about to say, "...misunderstood."

Teacher Sagi, Wu Ye as well as a few others glanced at the so called 'ferocious beasts', one who was pathetically rubbing its muzzle against the leg of its Master, long fluffy ears drooping and showing its pale belly, while the other was currently chuffing as a butterfly had landed on its nose. Li Ming even nudged Wu Ye beside it, trying to show off and only then noticed that it was somewhat the centre of attention. The butterfly flew off as it tilted its head in question.

"Caprian?" Teacher Xiang questioned with a heavy sigh.

Feeling that he'd had everyone's dirty water splashed over him, Caprian was incensed and refused to hold the pot. "Laozi did suggest to come here, Leo owes Laozi an account, but I never said to draw swords." He crossed his arms about his chest, barely.

"I owe you?" Leon pulled a face that resembled Jin Li's general sneer... but weaker and cuter (the latter being Jin Li's opinion).

"Indeed! If not for you not handing over that pill formula, Tor's betrayal and that despicable man you hired to beat me," Caprian continued in a self-righteous manner, "how would Laozi suffer expulsion and smears to my reputation?" He quickly lowered his accusing finger the moment Jin Li's eyes fell upon it in disgust. He fell silent after shuddering visibly.

Teacher Xiang saw all of this and sighed even more heavily. His expectations for the large youth had long since vanished. Such inner potential, but with absolutely no intention to pursue it. He'd hoped that by bringing him back to his old school that had expelled him, a fire would be lit in his heart and he would work hard to prove that they had made the wrong decision. Unfortunately, the flame lit sought petty vengeance and had puffed out as soon as it met something it couldn't burn. The Teacher knew he'd made a mistake this time.

Meanwhile, although he sensed that Teacher Xiang was not blinded to his own students faults, they were still his own students and was likely obliged to defend them, thus Teacher Sagi took the initiative first to defend the Institute's students. He didn't wish for the other Teachers to see his student or the other students of this Institute painted in a bad light either. "Teacher Xiang," he reasoned. "I can't be certain to what have occurred here, however, I can say that my student, Leo, is not the sort to provoke others. Tor's record is not entirely clean for certain reasons," his gaze did fall on the youth's former Master. "However, he was a steady student whilst having been in the alchemy school prior to Caprian's expulsion and I've heard nothing but praise regarding him since he entered the Beast Taming School. And Jin Li, despite being a First Year student, has not long completed the Core Formation stage, which as you can imagine requires discipline and dedication. He has never bullied those weaker than himself within this school, but of course that doesn't mean he'd allow himself or others to be bullied." (Mainly because he feels that the former would be beneath him and the latter, well 'others' probably only included Leo; unsaid words.)

"I'm curious," Teacher Lapis from the Azure Heights Finishing School enquired. "What is this pill formula that had been mention?" Her eyes fell upon Leon, who glanced at his Teacher for approval. It was given with a gesture.

"Improved B-Beast calming p-pill," Leon replied and Caprian nodded his head still feeling indignant.

"Improved?" The man from the Savage Red Sands Force's eyes brightened. "How is it better?"

Leon carefully mentioned the differences, stepping over a few words as he tried to calm his stutter. Alchemy Teachers would not be good Alchemists if they had no patience and let him speak from beginning to end without interruptions, only questioning afterwards how he'd discovered this and whether he'd made better the stronger versions of this pill. He'd shaken his head. It's not that he hadn't thought about looking into it, but he'd really no time with the other things that he'd been doing of late.

Teacher Xiang Lim's eyes had narrowed thoughtfully. He could see this youth's honesty as well and the behaviour of the accused Coeurl and Cooshee (if the indifferent midnight black beast had been accused, he could have quite agreed with it) was too unlike described. The students from his school might as well have stated that they'd been possessed momentarily by a shadow demon, attacked without will of their own and were remorseful, that might have been more believable despite the strong protective barriers around the Institute keeping certain powers within or without.

Xiang Lim sighed once more. He too wanted to know more about the Improved Beast Calming Pill, but it was best to withdraw and take the miscreants with him. It was all recorded on his plate anyhow, let the Headmaster decide their punishment.

Caprian later found that he'd been expelled from yet another school. This time, he'd be forcefully homeschooled as the Elders were at their wits end, and the youth wouldn't be able to cause trouble, at least for Leon and Tor, for a very long time.