Day 7

She woke up like normal on the normal day on the island. She got up internal position, her hands behind her back. She then proceeded to stand up. She looked around to see her normal surroundings, who's getting used to this island. It was sad that she was I'll get used to the place that she was trapped on, but it really didn't bother her that much.

She got up, off of her makeshift bed. It was still really uncomfortable, but she had to deal with it. It was better than sleeping on the floor.

She looked around the island after she finished standing up properly, she went for a walk around the island. Today was the second day in a row she was walking around the island. She was really proud of herself.

While on the island, she wanted to stay fit, and in shape. So, she did just that.

After walking around the island, for about 3 hours, she finally stopped out of breath. She was so extremely tired, all she wanted to do was collapse on the floor, but it was well worth it.

She sat down on the ground, and looked around once again, to see absolutely nothing but ocean, and sand. She was sick of it.

She got up off of the sand, and she went to the closest tree to knock down. The only trees that she could see were the two that held up her bed and the one she was sleeping on the before.

She went over to the tree that she slept under before making her makeshift bed. She ran as fast as Usain Bolt, which is pretty fast, she made a massive jump, and knock down the tree with one punch.

After that her Knuckles started to bleed severely. She looked at them with an intense there she didn't know what to do about them, should you just leave them or should she treat them, she didn't think there was anything to treat them with on the island so she just ignored it.

She walked up the tree she just knocked down, and looked at it. She didn't know how to make it a boat, but the best thing she could think of at the time was to find something metal and chop the tree in half, of course it was unreasonable comma but it was the only thing she could think of at the time.

So if you went searching around the island to find anything metal. After not finding anything she finally gave up comma and walked back to tree trunk.

After about half an hour I thinking, it started to rain heavily. She ran under to her two trees that were holding her makeshift bed up and, she was soaking wet, but not as well as she would be if she went out into the rain. She looked over next to her bed, and looked at her can full of water. She was incredibly thirsty, she had and drank anything about two and a half days, and she didn't drink anything today she would be dead. So, she switched over for her bottle of water and, she drank out of it vigorously.

After about 5 minutes of just drinking pure water, she was out. So she put her water bottle underneath the rain and the rain went into the water bottle, filling it up.

After about 2 hours of waiting for the rain to stop, it finally stopped. She was relieved, that it was finally over.

She walked out into the open and smelled the fresh air, the fresh air that comes after a massive storm. She started to walk around the island once again, looking for something else to do. Then an idea came to her, she could investigate the court that she saw on the first day on the island.

After about two minutes of walking around the island she finally got to the courts, she looked at it with an intense stare and, she which down to touch the bones of the corpse. The bones were covered with rust and sand, she found this fascinating.

Then, all the sudden she felt the ground shake. The birds are flying out the trees, and she started to duck for cover. Her eyes were filled with panic as well as her facial expression, she looked around for somewhere to hide and somewhere to be safe. She then saw a part of the island starts come off it started to split. She panicked with an immense amount of it's, she was absolutely petrified. She looked around for anything to save myself with, she but she she looked around for anything to save myself with, but she couldn't find anything.

Then idea struck her. She could use a makeshift bed, to somehow make a weapon out of it and protect yourself with it.

As earthquakes starting to get more severe, she looked around with a scattered mind, trying to find something to protect herself with. She came to the conclusion that she couldn't do anything to protect yourself, other than just run away from the area.

So, she swam into the ocean she didn't know why she didn't think of this earlier, you didn't know why she didn't act on this thought earlier, but she had to go with her gut instincts right now, she had to swim away.

After about 2 hours or swimming she was exhausted, she couldn't find any other bits of land so her only option was to continue or she would have to swim 2 hours again, maybe I should find something, actual large amount of land? She didn't know but she had to take the risk, she didn't know if she would be able to survive another 2 hours or swimming so she continued.

After about another 15 minutes or swimming she saw a land mass, even though she could only see a large mountain, it was progress. She went into a Berserk mode and she just went crazy, she swam like her life depended on it, which it did but anyway, she swim the fast as she had ever had in her life.

By the time she have got to the island, it had taken her about 5 hours and total, but it was better than going back to that small island where she was stuck on. It was about 10 p.m. by now, and she couldn't stand to do anything else she was exhausted and she felt like her feet would collapse underneath her if she didn't just lie down fall asleep.

She walked into the middle of the island, at least that's what she thought and, she fell asleep even though she was half asleep standing up already, she didn't want to take the chance by falling asleep or standing up so she just guessed with middle of the island was, and sat down there he felt her eyes were dropping like she just had 5 kilo weights put on each one, she then proceeded to lay down.

She fell asleep within the seconds.