Day 12

Kate woke up with a sudden wave of panic washing over her, she then prosided to get up and violently shaking the other middle-aged woman, but she didn't wake up. Kate started to panic more, and more, she couldn't handle this by herself. Then, something catches her eyes, a strange looking compass. The middle-aged woman, looked at it with an intrigued look on her face, and as she questioned, the law of this more and more, she came to the conclusion it was magical, while all this time, the unknown middle aged girl wake up and walked over to her, looking over her right shoulder.

After 5 minutes of Kate not knowing the unknown middle-aged woman behind her, the unknown middle age woman then blew in her ear. Kate shivered from shock and also from fear. The two women then burst into laughter.

The two girls continued laughing for at least 15 minutes, before Kate show the compass to her, saying: Oh! I found a weird compass, and I think it is magical!! The middle age girl called Kate then looked down at the compass that was connected to a chain, the unknown girl then suggested an idea and said: Do you think that could be a message from Max? The other middle age girl responded immediately to the unknown girl's question, but she just couldn't get her sentence out. No matter how much she tried she just couldn't do it. She ended up collapsing onto the ground.

The unknown middle aged girl bursts into tears in the middle of nowhere, along with the coast of the island that she was currently on. The unknown middle-aged girl felt an attachment to this other woman. Then she remembered back to a time, back to a time before she came on this island.

Sleep, just sleep my darling...

Even though it was brief but, it was still a memory, this was only the second time she and had a flashback like that, the other time, she had to flashbacks in a row. The voice was so familiar, and it sounded almost exactly like Kate, and then she started to zone out.

Hours later the unknown middle-aged woman was unknowingly crying because she was zoned out. She didn't get out of this state until Kate woke up, and when Kate held her shoulders, the unknown lover jumped slightly, and then just collapsed into Kate's arms. Kate started to remember the times that her lover had forgotten, the times back on earth. Kate started to then tear up.

The two women sat there for hours crying, and by now it was about noon. When Kate pulled away her lover fell to the floor. Kate felt incredibly guilty for her previous lover. She couldn't bear to see the only human that she cared for on her whole planet after destroying it. The unknown girl continued to cry until Kate couldn't take it anymore, and surrounded the smaller girl in a massive hug. The smaller girl then started to calm down within a minute, and the smaller one hugged the slightly taller one. They continued to hug each other til it started to get dark.

Kate looked up to see that the sky was turning a lovely red/orange colour. A sound of amazement came out of her mouth, she was so shocked that the unknown smaller woman looked up at her, and then nudged her shoulder. Kate then looked down at the human, that didn't know her name, and stroked her hair. Kate cares so much for this human, that she couldn't bear to even let her out of her sight, and because of the unknown woman, her family disowned her. As Kate was going through her memories, the smaller woman, looked up at her, still feeling a connection that she had never felt before this very day. Soon, the unknown middle-aged woman saw a lone tear running down her face, Kate then whipped her eyes with one swipe of her arm. Kate then shocks her head and looked at the mystery middle-aged woman with a massive smile, but the unknown woman wasn't buying it. The mystery woman gave Kate a 'real' face, expecting Kate to respond, but she didn't. All she did was kneel on the sandy beach, and looked at the ground.

Several minutes go by, and all Kate done, was whisper a little sorry, barely audible, but the other middle-aged woman heard it. The unknown middle-aged woman looked at her, her eyes laced with sorrow, and hurt, from the pain she had cursed Kate, in a split-second decision, the had broken someone's heart. Then, the unnamed middle-aged woman looked down at the ground, from embarrassment.

The two women sat there in an awkward silence, but then, Kate had enough of it, and tilted the nameless woman's head with her index finger, and looked deep into her eyes, they were both the same age, but something felt wrong about doing this, but at this point, Kate couldn't care less about what is right, and what is wrong. So, she took the plunge and decided to lean in, for a kiss.

The two lips collided together, sharing a tender kiss, both emerging their whole lives into this one single moment. They kissed for a good 5 minutes, but to the two girls, it felt like it lasted years, and when the two wmen seperated, they both felt a wave of sadness wash over them.

The two women then looked up at the starts that were starting to appear, in the night sky. Both women were fascinated by the stars, starring at them hours, until the no-named girl started to feel her eyes drop, and she nudged Kate saying: Honey, can we go to bed? I'm tireeeeeeeed. Kate then smiled at her, and let out a little giggle.

They then both, cuddled each other, the smaller woman, letting out a small sigh, before falling asleep, and the other woman fell asleep soon after.