Day 13

The middle-aged girl woke up on the beach. Sitting up and looking around the surroundings, she saw another person next to Kate. She didn't know who it was, but every fibre in her body was telling her to wake him up. Like he had some important part played in this Adventure. The middle age girl furiously flicked his face in A subtle attempt to wake him up. He woke up within a couple of seconds and sighed in disappointment, at the middle-aged woman That was looming over him. He finally opened his eyes, to see the unknown middle-aged woman, you have brown hair and blue eyes, as well as being a little darker skinned than the Average person. Then, they both heard Kate, waking up in the perfect environment, the birds chirping and all.

She sat up, and looked over to the other two, looking over at her. They all then erupted into laughter. Kate was laughing so hard, that she was rolling on the soft sand that was supporting her body, but after some time, all of their bodies started to hurt a little bit.

When the unknown woman felt so sore, she forced herself to stop laughing, and once she did the temptation was still there.

After a lot of force, and fighting her instinct to laugh, the unknown woman, go up off of the floor, but then she fell back down to the floor, but this time it was because she was laughing, she had one killer stomach ache. She started to roll around on the floor in pain.

After a good minute of her friends laughing for no reason, they finally noticed that their friend was in extreme pain. They ran over to her, both very worried about their friend in need.

Kate and Max surrounded her, but it only made it worse for the unknown woman, she started to have a panic attack, but this wasn't a normal panic attack. It was all of the memories that she had in her whole life, including the moment she was born, and considered a baby, not a fetus. Flashbacks came, one after another, it seemed like it would never stop!

After an hour of watching the unknown woman, she said a word... Alexandra. Her name, she finally remembered her name! Kate thought that Alexandra would not remember her name until she went back to Earth, and continue with her life but, there was something in Alexandra that made her go into this state, but no one knew but Alexandra, it was her mother. Her mother is giving her a sign that someone in her family was there, her dead mother was here...

Kate and Max the saw a spirit come out of her body, but it didn't look the exact same, but it looked like it was her mother or older sister. Alexandra then stopped moving around and stopped grabbing her stomach. Then, she went limp, while Kate was holding her in her arms. Focused on her breathing to make sure that she was still alive, but then her heart stopped beating.

Kate and Max started to panic, they didn't know why or how their friend was dying. Luckily, Max's fire powers plus, Kate's earth powers, they were able to save Alexandra's life, saved her from her awful panic attack.

After a couple of minutes of healing Alexandra, they stopped, hoping it would work. They were so lucky that it did.

Alexandra woke up a couple of minutes after they had stop using their magic, but she started to panic, she didn't know where she was, and she didn't know who these people in front of her were. She jumped up from her sitting position running North, to get away from Max, and Kate. The two looked at each other, before running off To help their friend, Alexandra.

After 5 minutes of chasing her around the island, They finally caught up to her, and Max tackled her to the floor, they were lucky that they were on soft grass, otherwise this could have seriously injured Max and Alexandra. Kate went over to them, about to laugh, but concern laced the expression on her face

Alexandra and Max then, went into a story of laughter. Kate look at the other two confused, she didn't know how to react, even though she was acting like this less than an hour and a half ago.

After another half an hour of laughing, Max and Alexandra finally stopped, and Kate face return to normal, her face filled with happiness. It was starting to get dark by now, so they had to set up bedtime, but before they could do that they had to sort out food for the next 3 days.

After they have collected their food, and 8, it was about 6 p.m. on a winter's night, And they all slowly walked back to the beach, the opposite side of where they ate on the island.

Once all three got back to the island, They all dsparated the individual tents, that they made a couple of nights ago. As they were saying goodnight to each other, a couple of fireflies came out, Alexandra was fascinated by them.

After an hour of looking at the fireflies, Alexandra started to get extremely tired, so she went to her individual tent, and whispered goodnight to the fireflies before turning back, and went to sleep.