

IT WAS the third day of their stay in the McAllister mansion. Everything had been fairly acceptable. Their rooms were comfortable, the food was great, and the owner of the house was easy to get along with. The only problem Argent has with living here was Jaxon McAllister's nephew and niece. Just like she predicted, they really became a source of problem.

Ruby, the girl with wild flaming red hair, kept on hounding her. Whenever she saw Argent, she would start pulling, hugging, smothering her - not in that particular order. It's like she really thought of Argent as some kind of new shiny toy. And she wouldn't stop until that new toy became worn and old. Honestly, Argent was on the last stretch of her patience. If Ruby doesn't stop, she might just forget that she's only a nine year old kid. It doesn't help that she always antagonized Aurum. And with her sister's temper, they always end up in a fight.

Then there's the older brother, Finn. He's a problem in a whole new level. Unlike his sister who straightforwardly shows her dislike, he's more subtle in his. He's like a devious two-faced bastard. Whenever there's an adult around, he's like the perfect young master. Kind, polite, and understanding. But when he's alone with them, his attitude turned a complete one-eighty and became a rude jerk.

"Brother, do we really have to stay here?" Aurum suddenly asked. The two of them were currently in the garden. "I don't think I could live here for seven years with those two around."

Argent actually already thought about that. But the pros of living here outweighed the cons. So she immediately let go of the idea of living somewhere else. Besides, it's not as if their mother would allow them to do that. Going here in Amexem was already a big concession on her part. "Mother trusts Jaxon. If we live somewhere else, I don't think Mother would have the confidence to leave us here."

"And if Mother doesn't leave, then she won't have the time to look for Father." Aurum sighed.

Her brother told her that one reason she chose to study here in Amexem was to give their mother time to do the one thing she's been wanting to do for the longest time now; to look for their father. Their mother couldn't do that because she couldn't just leave them. But now, she has a chance to do that. Aurum understood that and she didn't want to get in the way. But still. Those two were getting on her last nerves. Especially that stupid Ruby. And to think they were only here for three days.

"Don't worry, if the situation doesn't get better for the next year or two, I'll find a way for us to live in a different house," Argent assured Aurum. After all, her sister's mental health was more important. It wouldn't help her control her Mana if she's stressed.

"Really, Brother?"


Aurum was happy that Argent was willing to do that for her. But she also knew that she couldn't continue to be spoiled by her brother. If she continued to be spoiled, then there might come a time when Argent would be tired of her. And she couldn't let that happen. So she would try to endure the presence of those two.

"Do you think Mother will come back for lunch?" Aurum asked, changing the subject.

"If there's no problem, then yes." Anthea went to Starlight Academy - the school they were supposed to go to - to finish their regestration. She went there with Felicia. If everything went smoothly then they could start attending school by Monday next week.

"Ah! There you are!" a familiar voice shouted from their back. Suddenly, someone hugged Argent from behind. She didn't have to turn to know that it was Ruby. "I've been looking all over for you."

Argent sighed before entangling herself from Ruby's arms and turning around to face her.

Ruby stared. Her brother asked why she's giving too much attention to this boy. Yes, he's a duke but he's still a NoGift. Not worth of their attention. But she couldn't help herself. This was the first time she saw such a beautiful boy. He could even rival her brother's beauty. In closer inspection, Argent's face was probably prettier than her brother's. With his silver hair that softly curls around his face, his delicate white skin, and those purple eyes, he would immediately attract anyone's attention.

Well, it certainly attracted Ruby's. She wanted his attention to be solely focused on her. Even though he always looked like he doesn't care much about anything. It's really annoying whenever he looked at her as if she doesn't matter. But that's okay, she'd just have to teach him who's important and who wasn't.

"I'm going to town to buy a new dress. Come with me."

Ruby reached for Argent but she stepped back. "No."

Ruby frowned. "You can't say no!"

Aurum promised earlier that she would endure for the sake of her brother. But seriously, this Ruby could easily make her lose her patience just by speaking. "He can't say 'no'? Do you really think you own my brother? Are you delusional or simply mental?"

Ruby glared at Aurum. She could tolerate Argent despite him being an indifferent jerk. But his sister on the other hand, she irritates the hell out of her. "Shut up! I'm not talking to you."

"I won't unless you stay away from my brother!"

"And why would I do that?" Ruby turned to Argent. "You're coming with me."

When Ruby tried to grab Argent's arm, Aurum pulled her brother. "He won't be going anywhere with you!" Then she pushed Ruby.

Because she didn't expect it, Ruby lost her balance and fell on her back. This was the first time anyone dared to push her. She glared at Aurum with murder in her eyes.

Argent felt that Ruby was trying to accumulate Mana. She immediately knew what she was trying to do. So she stepped in front of Aurum to protect her. And just like she thought, a wave of flame suddenly appeared and went in their direction.

That was the scene that Finn saw when he entered the garden. Before he could think, he used his Gift to deflect the flame that his sister created and then slowly extinguished it. It was easy, considering that he has a SS level telekinetic Gift. All three looked in his direction because of what he did. Finn observed everything in front of him. His sister with an angry expression, sitting on her back and the silver-haired duke standing protectively in front of his twin. He could already tell what happened here.

Finn walked towards his sister and helped her stand up. Then she turned to the twins. "I apologized. My sister just lose her temper."

"Lose her temper? Are you kidding me? She almost burned my brother to death!" Aurum was still shaking, thinking of what could have happened if those flames reached Argent.

Finn looked at the girl. Aurum was indeed beautiful, if only she wouldn't open her mouth. She might have a point, but no matter what Ruby's fault was, he would always take her side. After all, she's his only sister. "Then maybe next time you shouldn't provoke her. Since both parties were at fault, I suggest we keep this incident to ourselves. What do you say?"

Argent sneered. "Don't worry, we won't tell your precious uncle what your sister just did. But next time she tries to attack my sister, I promise you, I'll make your lives a living hell." She held her sister's hand and they both walked away from the garden.

Finn watched them walk before turning his attention back to his sister. Ruby's biting her lower lip, both her hands were clenched. Both signs pointing to her being frustrated and didn't know what to do about it.

"I didn't mean to!" Ruby said before he could even talk. "It's just- I'm so annoyed with that girl!"

Finn sighed. "Even if that's the case, you still shouldn't have used your Gift. You could have honestly killed the duke. I already told you that their father was Uncle's best friend. If you really ended up killing one of them, then Uncle might just abandon us. And where would that leave us?"

Their uncle was the only family they have - or at least the only family that mattered. He certainly didn't remember their parents. All he had of them were grainy memories. In his mind, their uncle was their father. That's why Finn was always striving to be the best. So their uncle wouldn't regret naming him as his heir. Just one misshap and those children from the branch family would sweep in like vultures.

"I know. I'm sorry," Ruby said, trembling.

"If you really can't help fighting with her, just make sure you won't go too far. And that whatever you do won't get pointed back at you."

It's probably not an advice that a good brother should give to his sister. But Ruby has been spoiled too long, by him and their uncle both. It's too late now to curve her stubborn streak. Not to mention, her temper.

Ruby nodded. "I didn't think that Argent would protect that annoying sister of his to that extent."

She and him both. He was honestly surprised to see that duke going in front of his twin without even a shred of fear in his eyes. He might be a NoGift, but he's certainly no coward. If Finn was not already annoyed with him, he might earned a bit of his respect.

When he learned about their new guests who would be living with them for the next seven years, Finn planned to show them his perfect prince act. After all, he's still a duke. It wouldn't hurt to develop a connection. But when Finn saw him in the playroom the day they arrived, all his plans went into the gutter. There's just something about him that rubbed him the wrong way. So he accidentally showed them his real attitude. And since he already did that, it's stupid to suddenly changed it.

"Maybe you shouldn't pay too much attention to the duke," Finn said to Ruby. Again. He doesn't know how many times he said that to his sister these past three days.

"But Brother- I couldn't help it! He's just- he's too pretty. I just want to play with him!"

Finn sighed again. The duke was really too pretty for his own good. What, with that flock of silver hair, those big purple eyes, and that white, white skin that looked almost too soft to touch. He's more beautiful than any number of girls. Finn shook his head. Since when did he care about other people's looks? This was the reason why he doesn't like that duke. He's making him feel confused. And he doesn't like that. He doesn't like it at all.


Aurum stomped inside her room. "Argh! I hate that girl!" She turned around to her brother who just entered the room. "Brother, don't ever do what you did earlier again. What if you got burned?"

"If you're in danger, it's only natural for me to protect you. After all, I'm older." Besides that fire wouldn't actually hurt Argent. It would burn her clothes though.

"But still."

She walked towards Aurum. "But if you're really worried, then you should work on controlling your Mana. If you manage to control your SS level telepathic Gift, there would probably be only a handful of people who could put a fight against you."

"I--" Aurum looked down. "I know that. But I'm also scared. What if what happened three years ago happen again?"

"Controlling your Mana is the first step to prevent something like that to happen again. That's why I picked Starlight Academy. They have a comprehensive lesson to teach children how to properly control and use their Gifts."

"I understand." If she could use her Gift without being afraid of the consequence, then something like what happened earlier wouldn't happen again. She could properly protect her brother.

"But first, you must control your temper. There will certainly be a lot of girls like Ruby in that school. You can't always use violence whenever things don't go your way."

Aurum pouted. "I know. But she's just so- so annoying." She couldn't imagine what it would be like to face a dozen girls like Ruby. She might have a brain aneurysm if that happened.

"That's why you should draw the crowd into your favor. If girls like Ruby try to intimidate or bully you, act in a way that will let the crowd be on your side. Even they couldn't do anything if the people around you start protecting you."

"How- how would I do that?"

Argent took a deep breath. This was something that she was planning to teach to Aurum. If she couldn't learn to control her temper, then studying in this new school would just be hell for her. "Smile. Act sweet and polite. Listen to me, Aurum. Humans are visual animals. They tend to act kindly to people with better appearance. And you're a very beautiful girl. With just one smile, people will naturally gravitate towards you. If you act kindly, they will like you even more. Of course, there will be people who would be envious. But those people would be outnumbered by the people who like you. So, it won't matter. They won't matter."

"You mean I have to act like someone I'm not?"

"If that's what it takes. But don't think too much about it. Even if you have to act, it doesn't matter. Because I know the real you. And that's more important than anything else. Unless, of course, you think other people are more important."

"No! You're more important than anything else!" Aurum would do it. She would smile, act like some sweet girl if she had to. "I will do it."

"Good." Argent knew she was manipulating Aurum. But this was for her own good.

She just doesn't know at that time how much her words would affect Aurum's future development.