

THE ONE who was responsible in making the laws in Albion was the parliament. It was an assembly made up of high ranking titled lords in the aristocracy and, of course, the King. They gathered twice a year - one general assembly every six months - to discuss the current state of affairs of the kingdom, to talk about relevant matters that could affect the country, and to pass important laws.

If the ruler was weak, the lords could limit the power being held by the monarch. They could rule in the King's stead and the ruler would be just a figurehead. But if the King was powerful, he would have the ability to rule and not be limited by the lords. The current king - Arthur Friedrich di Albion - was such a ruler.

The general parliament assembly was being held at the Parliament House located at the capital - Londinium. Today was the mid-year assembly when all the lords and the King would gather for a meeting. Argent was on her way there now. She received a summon a week ago saying that she should attend the meeting.

Holding one of the few ducal titles in the land, it was a given that she has a seat in the parliament. But receiving the title at such a young age, she was exempted from attending the meetings. Now that she's 14, she was required to attend. A person finished their primary education at the age of 14, at some country they could already be considered as an adult. In Albion, being a lord and having a seat in the parliament could be good reasons why a 14 year old could be considered old enough to participate in government matters.

Honestly, Argent was not so excited about the thought of attending the assembly. One of the things she hated was politics. Because most often than not, politicians just cared more about their own agendas rather than really improving the lives of the people they're supposed to govern and protect. They were more concerned in widening their sphere of influence, so much so that they wouldn't hesitate to use anything or anyone just to accomplish their goals. Besides, they're the reasons why she died in her original world so cut her some slack for her extreme prejudice.

That's why Argent only has one goal in coming to today's meeting - gave up her seat in the parliament.

She doesn't want to play the politics game with the other so-called lords. Aside from the fact that it's boring, she's not interested in having a political career here. She's not some sort of patriot who cared about anything and everything about the country she was born in. She just doesn't feel that kind of moral obligation. If she did, then she wouldn't have done what she did to country C - the country where she was born in her original world. Her attachments to this kingdom could be counted using one hand - her family, the Hanover manor, and Felicia's family which included Nelly and Gregory.

Giving up her seat in the parliament wouldn't really affect her that much. What would they do, detain her? Not likely. Because what she was about to do was not illegal. Take their family's estates? Definitely impossible. Because their properties here were entailed to the Hanover title and not to the monarchy. The only downside that could be considered was she would lose the right to vote on anything they decide during every parliament assembly. But she doesn't really give a shit about that. So she wouldn't really lose anything.

Argent doesn't think that her father would care if their family lose a seat in the parliament. If he did care about things like politics, he wouldn't go traipsing around the world looking for treasures. If her mother ever found him and he returned here and he wanted to take back his position in the parliament, she was sure he could regain it. He could just say that his son was not thinking straight or something. They would probably take him back considering how few dukes there were in Albion. And their family has one of the oldest bloodline. So, that's a plus.

Argent wouldn't even go to the trouble of dealing with the royal family if they just left her and her sister alone. But they did mess with them, so it's only right to return the favor.

The initial plan was going smoothly. It's been two weeks since the second prince and his mother reunited. She told the prince to let his people spread rumors about the return of the famous Madame La Chanteuse. When the capital was brimming with that rumor, then she would make White spread a number of fake news in [Jiffy] telling that the once famous opera singer was in the capital of Gaul making a comeback. Gaul was the nearest country to Albion. It's considered as a country of artists. Since most famous painters, musicians, and opera singers were born there. And its capital - Luretia - was a thriving capital of arts.

Of course, that fake news would only revolve around Albion. This way, whoever kidnapped her would surely make a move. Argent really wished it was the first princess. Because if it was the first prince, then that would be just on another level of disappointing. He's an idiot who only thinks with his little brother down there. Fighting with idiots was no fun.

The carriage carrying Argent stopped, indicating that she already arrived at her destination. The coachman opened the door for her and she got out of the carriage. In front of her was a white dome-like building - the Parliament House.

People passing-by the street couldn't help but stare at the tall youth. He was wearing a black coat tail and black suit pants that fitted his long legs perfectly. His silver hair was carefully brushed back and his amethyst like eyes were like expensive jewels. Even if they don't know who he was, his beautiful features alone were enough to gather their attention.

Argent ignored the sights directed at her and entered the building. Someone lead her to the assembly room. When she entered, a lot of people were already there - 24 to be exact. All eyes turned on her the moment she entered. A robust man with long red hair tied behind his back stood up and walked to her. He clapped her back, making her almost doubled-over.

"Hanover, my boy, it's nice to finally have you here," he said while laughing heartily.

If Argent was not mistaken, this man was Kerrigan Greaves - Mishla's father and the current Duke of Wakefield. "Lord Wakefield," she greeted.

"I'm sorry if my son has been bothering you these days. I hope he's not being a hindrance," the duke said while leading her to an empty seat on the long table where the lords were sitting.

Mishla has been visiting the manor with the second prince. While the prince was spending time with his mother, the Earl was spending time with Aurum. Her sister seemed to be fond of him so she doesn't really have objection of him tagging along with the prince. It's rare for Aurum to care about an outsider so she wouldn't prohibit that kind of interaction. "He's not a hindrance at all. He's good company."

"Then I'm glad to hear that," the duke said, smiling as he sat down. "You look a lot like your father, do you know that?"

"Yes. I hear that from a lot of people," she answered, sitting down beside the duke.

"Let's just hope he's not as carefree as his father," said someone in front of them, his voice dripping with unconcealed mockery.

Argent turned her gaze towards the man who spoke. He has brown hair and a pair of green eyes. He looked to be the same age as the Duke of Wakefield. But unlike the duke who looked fit and muscular, this one was on the portly side. "And you are?"

The man's face flushed in embarrassment and he glared at her with daggers in his eyes.

Kerrigan chuckled. "That's Orwell," he said before turning to the portly man. "Be kind to our junior here."

The Duke of Orwell just scoffed before turning his gaze away, no longer paying attention to them.

So, that's the Duke of Orwell, Argent thought. He's the father of that stupid Lady Therese who was used by the first princess. If she's not mistaken, he was also on the faction that supported the second prince. Not because he believed on the prince's ability but because he believed the prince would be the next king. He wanted to put his only daughter as the queen. No wonder he seemed to hate her. Especially now that the rumor of the second prince courting Aurum was just going stronger.

After a few more minutes, the King came in. All of the lords stood up and bowed to him. Then the assembly started.

They talked and debated about the economy, the military, the common people. It went on like that for the next five hours. Argent yawned. She was already dying of boredom.

The Duke of Orwell saw the action of the boy and his irritation towards the young duke just went up a notch. "Hanover, do you have any opinion about this matter?" he asked for the nth time.

And for the nth time, the young duke also answered with, "No. I abstain."

Orwell could feel the veins in his forehead popping because of the answer he's been constantly hearing from the young duke for the past five hours.

The King, on the other hand, didn't care much. Winter has been doing a good job building a relationship with Lady Aurum. He believed that in no time, an engagement would happen between the two. So even if the duke was acting like this, he could look the other way.

Kerrigan who was sitting beside the young duke was amused. It felt like he went back in time. It reminded him of the times when the former Duke of Hanover was attending the assembly. He was exactly the same as his son. Although the former duke did it in a more cheerful and annoying way.

"Do you have anything inside that brain of yours at all?" the Duke of Orwell almost snarled.

"Yes. A lot, in fact. I'm a genius, remember?" Argent answered with an annoying grin on her face. "I'm just not interested in the topics you were talking about. On that note, I think I just reached the limit of my patience." She stood up and looked at the King. "Your Majesty, I respectfully abdicate my seat on the parliament."

Everyone in the room seemed to be having auditory hallucination. Did they just hear it right? The young duke wanted to abdicate? Was he insane?

Arthur looked thoughtfully at the tall youth. "Do you know what you're saying right now?"


"Abdicating meant your family would lose the right to vote on any decision regarding the ruling of the kingdom," the King said, pointing out the seriousness of the young duke's decision.

"I know, Your Majesty. But I just don't have the interest to deal with things like these. It would be just a huge waste of time. For you and for me."

The King sighed when he heard that answer. Maybe this was also good. With that huge brain, if the kid put in the effort to meddle with the kingdom's affair, Arthur would definitely have a huge problem in his hands. "Alright. I approve your abdication."

"Your Majesty, he just can't do that!" the Duke of Orwell shouted in outrage. A duke belonging to an old bloodline, even if he's a NoGift, abdicating? That's absurd!

"Oh, Lord Orwell, but I just did," Argent said, grinning annoyingly at the portly duke. Then he turned to the King and bowed. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I shall take my leave now, as to not waste any more of your time."

They watched as the young duke walked out of the assembly room. Kerrigan almost laughed. The kid definitely has more balls than his father.

"Continue with the meeting," the King said, cutting off all their reverie.

Argent stepped outside the Parliament House. She took a deep breath and smiled.

Ah, freedom.