

A SIMPLE black carriage entered the dense forest located in the eastern region of Albion. This region was known for its beautiful scenery. That's why many health spa could be found here. It's a favorite vacation spot of aristocrats tired of the city. The carriage continued to move through the forest. It only stopped when it reached a small lake.

The man driving was wearing all black and has a severe atmosphere around him. He got off from his seat and opened the door of the carriage. The first one to go down was a young man with ice blue hair and pale blue eyes. He turned around and helped a woman wearing a hood go down the carriage. They stood in front of a two-storey cottage built beside the lake and surrounded beautiful wildflowers.

The woman removed her hood. Her long blue black hair fell down like waterfall behind her back. The morning sun shone on her beautiful face as she looked around in wonder. She turned to the young man. "This place is lovely."