

ARGENT looked outside the carriage window. The streets were filled with food vendors and different kinds of shops. It's only the middle of the morning and yet there were already a lot of people walking about. This busy street was only a part of the big capital of Xing - Kou. Just to show how big it was, they've been travelling for over 20 minutes already and they still haven't arrived at the palace yet.

"In Xing, there's a court assembly every morning, right? Would it be done by the time we got there?" Argent didn't really want to come in contact with any court officials.

"It should be over by now."

"You don't attend court assembly even though you're a general?" Argent thought of asking.

He's been away for almost three months because he accompanied the fourth prince to Albion as his bodyguard and yet on the first morning he's back, he didn't even attend a morning court assembly. That got Argent a bit curious.