

"SO, HOW did it go exactly?" Argent asked once they were alone inside Aurum's courtyard.

She was in a carriage parked just outside of the palace, waiting for Aurum to come out. The moment her sister did and Argent asked her how her meeting with the Empress went, Aurum said they should talk about it once their back at the Zhang household and alone at her courtyard. Meaning what she's going to say couldn't be heard by others. That's why when they arrived at Aurum's courtyard, Argent asked Black to guard outside and make sure that no servant would come near the place.

"Well, the Empress invited me to be her personal guest in one of the princess' ceremony something. It will be held next week. And I agreed. Which means that I can't go with you to Hangzhou."

Argent was not sure if she heard it right. Did her sister really just say that she would not go with Argent to Hangzhou and just stay here in the capital? "Wait- what?"