

THE THREE - Argent, Lei Feng, and Viper - stopped at an area of the forest where the trees were particularly thick. So that they wouldn't be easily noticed. The three dark guards were on the lookout. So that they could warn the other three if the enemy suddenly appeared.

Viper was the first one to speak. "By the way, who is this stuck-up looking dude with you?"

Argent sighed before answering Viper. "This is General Zhang Lei Feng. He's currently helping me with something." Then she turned to Lei Feng. "In case you're interested, this guy is Viper. He's--"

"I'm Argent's sweetheart," Viper said, finishing what Argent was saying.

A muscle in Lei Feng's face twitched. He was really tempted to just blast this snake with his lightning.