

AURUM took a white dress from her space ring. It had a wonderful lace work and a baby blue ribbon that could be tied at the waist. She slowly got dressed while happily humming a tune. Once she's done, she sat in front of the dressing table and started combing her long golden hair. She arranged it in a side braid and tied it with a blue ribbon.

She smiled at the mirror, satisfied with her look. Then she took her sPhone and opened the camera. When she found the right angle, she smiled sweetly and took a picture. Then she posted it on [Jiffy] with a 'good morning' greeting. As soon as she did, a barrage of 'good morning', 'your beautiful', and 'my goddess' immediately filled her comment section. Which was already a common occurance since she had a pretty large following. Especially since it's been a while since she lasted posted anything.