

CLAY was stunned upon hearing the black haired teenager who was just trying to cut him in half called his name. Then as if a button was turned on inside his head, a sudden realization hit him. He suddenly thought of everything that had happened in the last 15 minutes. The unexpected familiarity he felt with the black haired girl and the savvy swordsmanship of the teenage boy. If his mind wasn't full of getting money, he would have probably recognized the two much sooner.

"Argent Blackbourne?" Then he turned to the girl. "Blondie?"

Aurum almost blackened her face. Why did this guy never bothered calling her by her name? She walked beside her brother and looked at Clay arrogantly. "I told you my brother will kick your ass."

Seeing that the two didn't refute what he said, it readily confirmed his guess. Truly, what a coincidence. Meeting in this kind of place. Then he remembered what Aurum just said. "Wait- have you known it was me the whole time?"