

LET us all turned time an hour ago.

Aurum and Clay was sitting on the open area of a cafe near the plaza, observing the surroundings.  The plaza and the nearby area were full of people.  The make-shift stage at the center of the plaza was surrounded by people.  If not for the knights around, they might really just go and rush towards the stage.  It's not because of the talents performing on the stage per se.  But what they represented - the Temple of Gaia.  What great fanaticism.

Half of the talents chosen by the Temple already performed.  The sixth one was currently performing.   It was a young man who had the look of a scholar.  He was sitting with a canvas in front of him, painting silently.  Unlike the other talents who performed before him - most of whom sang, played a musical instrument, and danced some sort of ritual dance - his performance was undoubtedly very dull.  But none of the audience showed any sign of disinterest.