

"YOUR cooking skill is really admirable, Lei Feng," Anthea complimented the stoic young man sitting beside her eldest daughter.

"Thank you, Your Grace," Lei Feng said humbly.  

"Yes!  Black also like the dishes made by Feng," Black said while stuffing his mouth with another dumpling.  "Black thinks it's even better than Aurum's cooking."

Aurum knocked on the back of Black's head.  "You brat.  See if I let you eat my sweets again."

"It's okay.  Black will just ask Master to give him one," Black said with no guilty conscience.


Anthea chuckled seeing the interaction between the two.  Even Argent showed a small smile.  Lei Feng looked serious as usual but there was a bit of exasperation in his gaze, as if he's embarrassed by Black's antics.  The only ones who didn't have much reaction were White and the elf – Janea.