

ARGENT ended her chat with White and accepted the call coming from Jaxon. What appeared on the screen of her light brain was a very haggard looking man. His medium length dark blond hair that was usually tied in a queue was disheveled. He had stubbles on his face. There were dark circles under his emerald green eyes. In short, he was the very image of the words 'tired' and 'stressed out'.

      It was quite obvious that he hadn't had any rest for the past two days since her mother told him about Janea's existence. He probably flew here without any rest. Which was understandable. If a man who had been living his life as a single man suddenly found out that he had a son, that person would probably react the same way as Jaxon.

"Argent, we're nearing your island. Can you put down the shield covering it so it could be visible to us and we could enter?" Jaxon said.