

ON the back garden of the mansion provided by the palace to the Conde de la Salvacion and his entourage, a secret meeting was being held.  Argent, Lei Feng, Jaxon, and Janea were walking on the garden that was almost covered by snow.  They made it seem like the Conde and his fiancée were taking a walking together with the Conde's nephew while the captain of guards was guarding them. 

Even though it's weird to take a walk on a frozen backyard when there's hardly anything there but snow, especially when it's already nearing sundown, but they really had no choice.  Because if they talked inside the mansion, there's a chance that there were surveillance items that might spy on their conversation.  They couldn't gamble on that chance.  After all, if even one person from Kievan found out that they were not the people they were supposed to be, then everything they had prepared and planned would be for naught.