

"HOW… how is she? Is she… alright? The- the woman you said who looked like me?" Janea asked in a trembling voice. "Do you- do you think she's a-alive?"

Ilya tilted his head, most likely wondering why he was asking such a question. But since he was the one asking, he still answered, "Hmm… she looks fine. Just like how people look when they're sleeping. I can't say for sure if she's alive but I think she is. She looks too life-like not to be."

Janea felt relieved hearing that. But just right after, an incredible sense of fear and worry filled her. Her mother might be alive but she was in a state that was almost no different than that. 

Now he knew the reason why her mother couldn't come to him in person. Because she was physically incapable of doing so. The reason they could communicate through his dreams was probably because they were elves.