Cliche, Just cliche.

The angry adventurer glared at Ryuuji. Ryuuji raised his left hand and slap the angry adventurer away from the paper, it was an A Grade quest! The angry man started to enrage and grasped Ryuuji and pulled near him.

"Hey, this is my quest. Give it back, Newbie."

"Heh, yours? I can't see your name here though. Are you sure your eyes not blind or you have some screw loose?"

The angry man hinted his group to surround Ryuuji. Ryuuji had a pondering look.

'this clicheness is just... Wow.'

"I give you last chance to give it to me."



The angry man tried to land a punch to Ryuuji's face. Ryuuji slapped away those fist away from his face. He had not caring at all with the man emotions. The fuse inside that man blowed. As he let Ryuuji go. Ryuuji brushed off the dust on his scholar robe that been designed with perfect movement with no obstruction from the clothes. He sighed when saw the dust on his robe. To be honest he didn't give a fuck about who he face right now but he despise people try to do something as stupid as try to bully anyone on their path.

"Frank! Calm down!"

"Hey, if you wanna fight... How about we challenge who get this thing win?"

Ryuuji proposed the challenge to them. Frank's group readily accept it without a long think of it. The counter girl went to them and stop them.

"What are you doing, Frank? Bullying Newbie just like that?!"

"Me? Bullying him? He made fun of me! I need to teach him a lesson, Rin!"

Ryuuji nodded,

'So, that's the counter girl's name.'

"I had enough of you to keep pestering me. Now you want to bully him, who are you!?"

Ryuuji had dumbfound face as he took a glance at Rin.

'Don't tell me she is in period!?"

With a fluid movement, he stood between them with a friendly smile.

"Guys, don't fight. This is no matter at all,Rin. It's gonna be okay."

The girl sighed and returned to her counter. Ryuuji took a glance at Frank, if he had to say, Frank had short-fused temper worse compare to his friend's NPC dwarf, Gharf.

"I'll defeat you in this quest. Let's go guys."

They went away. Ryuuji glanced at them with frown.

"Wow, so cliche..."

People who heard Ryuuji's word puzzled at what he is saying.


Ryuuji stood in the forest looking at the forest. He then pulled out hidden sword staff from his space's magic. Ryuuji walked with his eyes and ears wary of surrounding. As he arrived at a cave, he looked around with suspicion.

"Get out now, Zeryl."

A dark dragon appeared. It's height is ten meter. It had a scary eyes,dark scale that had extreme resistance with pyhsical and magic. Ryuuji glanced at Zeryl with warm. It already been a month since he arrived here, in truest sense.

"You human have faint as same as my master, now way you would be!"

"You know, I can understand what you saying, Zeryl."

The dark dragon rushed toward him with frightening speed. Ryuuji who been ignored. His lip twitched as he looked at this dragon.


A heavy swing landed on the dragon. Tempest occupied the surrounding destroying the green forest around 100 Metre radius. The most surprising is, Ryuuji's hand didn't bleed but make the dragon fell to ground making huge crater.

"Uuu~... Uwah!~"

The big and scary dark dragon turned to a young maiden, as she cried loudly. Ryuuji's lip kept twitching. Suddenly, Frank and the group arrived. Ryuuji turned around to see...

"That's the legend Dark dragon, Zeryl. We must subdue her... Then we can make... Hehehe~"

Ryuuji stared at the group with emotionless. Ryuuji stood beside Zeryl and glare at them.

"I dare you to touch her."

"You , newbie? challenge me? Are you retard?"

The group laughed but Ryuuji smiled cold at Frank and co. Ryuuji dashed toward them with his hidden sword cane and hit them with its sheath only.

After quite a while...

Ryuuji sat on the ground with campfire cooked his dinner. Ryuuji glared at Zeryl as if a big brother found his sister's dark secret. Ryuuji took a ladle and fill a wooden bowl with herb soup. Ryuuji turned around.

"Do you want some?"

Frank and co shook their head. They had a heavy lunch later before they ambushed Ryuuji. Ryuuji raised his shoulder.

"So, what are you doing here?"