Your everday Inn! Hero quest!

Ryuuji went inside the inn to see a cliche scene again. There were a group of bandit threatened a family of happy family, is what he saw. He blinked few times before rub his eyes again. It was true.

'Another main storyline appeared!!!'

HUD appeared, Ryuuji looked at it to see some reward.


Save the happy family or Join the bandit or ???

Reward: 4 Stats points.

Ryuuji smirked.

'Long time no see Stats points, you never appeared after i gain maxed level. Now i can see you are here again. I'll do you muehehehe!~ Oops, my mind trailed off. Ehem.'

Ryuuji stood proudly and shouted,

"Stop you bandit! I'll beat you up and threaten you! Then..."

All the people around Ryuuji had dumbfounded face. They thought Ryuuji is being 100% weird and suspicious. People surrounding Ryuuji backed away few step with wary eyes on Ryuuji. Ryuuji sighed when see this scene.

'Sorry, my fault for not using clicheness script of isekai.'

"You know what, screw you. I'll beat your guys up. Start now.... BOO!"

Ryuuji suddenly dissapeared and appeared beside the bandits. One of them had foam out of his mouth fainted. The bandits jumped back but Ryuuji already missing. Ryuuji then appeared behind them and give a chop to three more remaining bandits. The last one had a loud crack sound. Ryuuji had pale face.


Ryuuji instantly checked the last bandit he gave a chop. He still alive! Ryuuji jumped happily in his heart. Ryuuji turned to the happy family.

"My name is Ryuuji. I'm a...."

"A....?" -Happy family

"A wandering sage!"

"A sage... We honored to meet you, sage."

"You know, just now. You guys looked at me with weird and suspicious. Let me be blunt. I want a room for myself. Medium size. Here."

Ryuuji flicked a golden coin. A golden coin Ryuuji had represent his past games currency, Aenn. One gold coin equal a thousand Aenn, Silver coin equal 100 Aenn, Alloy coin 10 Aenn. Little did he know that one Aenn equal of 100 Lae. 100 Lae equal a few months of farmer which 10 Lae per month. 1 Lae can buy a normal food. Lae currency is in paper money. Ryuuji didn't realised this at all as he thought that it's just same as the past.

The father of of the happy family quivered as he looked at Ryuuji with fear.

"Dear honourable sage, this amount is too much..."

Ryuuji shrugged as he waved his hand,

"Think of this as me rent this room indefinitely. What is your name, by the way?"

"Isaac, sir."

"Hmm. Okay, Is there any bath? Just don't use honorific for me."

"I'm sorry, sir. There isn't any bath."

Ryuuji nodded, he really need to take a bath after a long time not taking one.

"I should find one..."

Ryuuji went inside his room. His room at upper floor. It was tidy, Ryuuji pounced on the bed then he rolled around. After quite a while, he turned to sit position on bed.

"It is comfy. But there isn't any bath here except warm water to wash body..."

Ryuuji pondered for a long time.


Zeryl appeared at White Order and Dark Chaos castle, Ferr Castle. Eruna waited for her with serious face.

"Zeryl, did you meet Master Ryuuji?"

"Y-yeah, he is now at Ruby City."

"Let's go there!"

"B-but, who can manage this place?"

Eruna looked at the dark dragon with emotionless eyes.

"Go ask Crex."

"Eh!? That demon lord!? That one!?"

"He is the most trustworthy and capable I trust."

"Okay, if that's what you're saying..."

Before Zeryl went away, Gharf appeared with ordinary metal ring. It was polished smoothly. Gharf handed over the ring to Eruna.

"While you want to meet Master Ryuuji, give him this. He said he want to train his body. I wonder what kind of enemies to make him train his body harder than anyone."


At same time...

"Haa! CHUU!! *sniff*Sniff* Tonight sure cold. I should close the window."

Ryuuji said as he closed the windows before jump on his bed and covered his body with blanket.


Eruna nodded, his master is the one who work hardest when compare to all masters in this guild. Nobody question Ryuuji's strength. Even in overall ranking. The one who stayed top all the time is Ryuuji. To the point it turned to common knowledge to the casual gamer, just who is this Ryuuji.


Ryuuji snored softly hugging his pillow...